Home » 30+ flowers for cemetery & little water (including bonus tip)

30+ flowers for cemetery & little water (including bonus tip)

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Regardless of whether the cemetery is far away or nearby, you usually don’t have the time to visit it regularly in everyday life. Plants that are particularly easy to care for are therefore in demand. If you choose drought-resistant plants, you will also get the right ones for the summer. Which flowers are recommended for cemetery that require little water?

Foto: SB2010 studio/ Shutterstock


Even if you don’t have enough time, you don’t have to do without bright colors on the grave. There are actually some hardy beauties that are suitable for grave planting in dry locations.

Ground cover roses bloom even in dry conditions

Foto: Amalia Gruber/ Shutterstock

As if it wasn’t enough that roses impress with their beautiful flowers, they are also very tolerant when it comes to a lack of water. Not only do they survive dry periods without any problems, but they also continue to bloom diligently and profusely – even in the sun. What more do you want?

However, they should not be forgotten straight away. If it doesn’t rain for a long time, you should take a detour and see the ground cover roses (Rosa) provide a little. The plant can stand as a solitary plant or in groups and in different colors.

Christmas roses for the winter

Foto: Amalia Gruber/ Shutterstock

It’s still a while away, but these pretty flowers for cemeteries that require little water are still worth mentioning. The leaves alone are pretty to look at, but the flowers are also impressive despite their simple white. If the color is too monotonous for you, you can also choose the pink version.

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Christrosen (Helleborus niger) are best placed in shade or partial shade. Then they can go for a long time without being watered.

Scented violets for grave decoration with flowers

Foto: Olexandr Panchenko/ Shutterstock

Striking colors and a pleasant scent – ​​that’s what the scented violet brings (Violet scented) with. It will not only decorate the grave with flowers, but will also pamper every visitor with its aroma. Once the plant is established, you only need to water it infrequently. However, you should allow time for regular watering at least in the first few weeks after planting, as the flower is more sensitive during this time.

Avoid a sunny location and lean towards the shade that has the best light so that enough light and perhaps one or two rays of sunshine can reach the fragrant violet.

Ordinary cat’s paw for the sun

Photo: Risto Puranen/Shutterstock

If you are looking for carpet-forming flowers for cemeteries that require little water, you can also use the common cat’s paw (Antennaria dioica) should be considered because it reliably covers the ground. The tall inflorescences rise from the silvery shimmering leaves, which in turn shine in striking pink or subtle pink – a real feast for the eyes!

These are flowers for graves that are in the sun. It is important that you water the plant regularly during the initial period so that it can grow well. After that, it gets along well with very little water.

Carnations as flowers for cemeteries that require little water

Foto: crystaldream/ Shutterstock

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Typical cemetery flowers are also the common grass carnations (Armory). They absolutely cannot tolerate waterlogging and prefer dryness, which is why frequent watering is absolutely unnecessary. Nevertheless, they produce attractive flowers that are arranged like balls on a long stem.

Grass grasses do best in full sun and are particularly suitable for the back areas to create a colorful background. However, no taller plants should be planted in front of them that could obscure them.

More flowers for cemetery that need little water

Photo: Mariusz Zysk/ Shutterstock

Not enough choice yet? Then take a look at the following list of other specimens that can easily and beautifully decorate a single grave as well as a double grave or urn grave.

Which flowers to choose for grave planting with low watering:

Cyclamen (Cyclamen purpurascens)
Bergen (Bergen) Fat man (Pachysandra terminalis)
ice begonia (Begonia semperflorens)
Erika (Erica)

Foto: Tula L/ Shutterstock

Fetthenne (Sedum) Flame Flower (Phlox Paniculata)
Flaming Käthchen (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) goose cress (Arabs) Large calyx St. John’s wort (Hypericum chalice) houseleek (Forever)
Hussar heads (Sanvitalia bowing down)
Evergreen honeysuckle (Lonicera nitida)
Small periwinkle (Vinca minor) Lavender (Lavendula) Line (Nanum) Midday gold (Gazanie)

Photo: Angelkoch/ Shutterstock Carnations (Dianthus)
Sand-Thymian (Thyme broom) snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) Steinkraut (Alyssum)
Storchenschnabel (Geranium)
Student flowers (Tagetes)
Carpet chamomile (A noble chameleon) Wool-Ziest (Stachys byzantina) Magic snow (Euphorbia hypericifolia)
dwarf dahlia (Dahlia) cotoneasters (Cotoneaster)

Bonus tip for reducing watering

Foto: Robert Petrovic/ Shutterstock

If shade falls on the grave, the soil there dries out more slowly and you need to water less often (but remember that winds also dry out the soil more quickly). However, you can also achieve this effect in a location with full sun. To do this, plant drought-resistant ground cover around the flowers that need more water.

Foto: hydebrink/ Shutterstock

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These act like insulation because they do not allow direct sunlight to reach the earth. This means that water is stored for a longer period of time and the period of time in which you do not have to visit the cemetery is extended. In this way, you can even choose geraniums as grave plants, for example, which normally need to be watered daily.

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