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5 Habits for Activating Happiness Hormones and Improving Mental Health

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5 Habits for Activating Happiness Hormones and Improving Mental Health

The psychology of happiness

The psychology field describes happiness as a feeling of satisfaction that can be achieved when goals, desires, and purposes are met. It affirms that happiness is an emotional and temporal state. Over the years, different studies have attempted to answer the question of what happiness is and how to obtain it, but there has been no clear, concrete answer. There is no single way to achieve happiness, and this feeling is subjective, meaning that each person will give it their own meaning and interpretation.

Furthermore, researchers have discovered that happiness depends on internal and external factors that influence the mood and well-being of individuals. One internal factor is the positive emotions that we experience, which produce serotonin, dopamine, or endorphins, better known as “hormones of happiness,” that are released by the brain. These neurotransmitters contribute to feeling happiness and are necessary in everyday life. There are habits and emotions that increase the production of these neurotransmitters, such as appreciating small pleasures, thanking and valuing daily activities, and practicing physical exercise.

Experts have identified five habits that activate happiness hormones:

1. Identify emotions: To manage emotions in a healthy way, it is important to recognize and name them. This will help understand what happens and improve mental health.
2. Take care of social relationships: Feeling loved and accompanied can lead to happiness, longer life, and better health.
3. Practice physical exercise: Doing physical activity or sports contributes to mental health, improves mood, and releases endorphins that produce a feeling of well-being and satisfaction.
4. Giving and receiving hugs: The benefits of this show of affection are reflected in the body’s biochemistry, generating feelings of satisfaction.
5. Talk to yourself positively and in the second person: Internal dialogue impacts how we feel and behave. Using the second person when talking to oneself leads to more optimistic attitudes.

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Understanding the factors that contribute to happiness, and the habits that activate happiness hormones, can help individuals achieve a better mood and overall well-being.

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