Home » 50% of the population accumulate bad cholesterol in the arteries due to this enzyme

50% of the population accumulate bad cholesterol in the arteries due to this enzyme

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We have long known that eating a lot of foods that contain beta carotene is good for your health. Especially to that of our arteries as it protects them from the accumulation of bad cholesterol produced by the liver.

Yet for 50% of the population this is not the case and their bodies tend to accumulate bad cholesterol in their blood despite their healthy eating habits. How can this be explained?

The solution was found by Dr. Jaume Amengual and his team from the University of Illinois who published the results of his research in The Journal of Nutrition in the summer of 2020.

Because bad cholesterol builds up in the arteries

To understand the impact of the research we must know that the beta carotene contained in the carrot and in general in all orange and red fruits contributes to the formation of vitamin A. This vitamin eliminates the excess lipids produced by the liver which therefore do not go to clog the arteries. This transformation process takes place thanks to an enzyme. 50% of the population accumulate bad cholesterol in the arteries due to this enzyme.

Well it turned out that in half of the population, this enzyme doesn’t work very well. Or rather it works slower. This means that even if we take a lot of beta carotene, it is not properly transformed into vitamin A. The consequences are now understandable. Cholesterol builds up more easily.

How can this enzymatic decompensation be remedied?

Let’s first monitor our diet and make sure we get enough exercise. Then let’s go to the specialist and try to find out if we are part of that slice of the population that tends to accumulate lipids due to this enzyme. Then, again according to the American researchers, we will be able to remedy it through a simple supplementation of vitamin A.

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Obviously this in addition to a healthy lifestyle. This is why 50% of the population accumulates bad cholesterol in the arteries due to this enzyme despite a healthy diet rich in beta carotene.

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