Home » A miracle shot to lose weight? Don’t believe in miracles. Better run!

A miracle shot to lose weight? Don’t believe in miracles. Better run!

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A miracle shot to lose weight?  Don’t believe in miracles.  Better run!

Anyone who regularly consumes the news cannot avoid the miracle injection with the drug Ozempic. In times of diet mania and self-optimization, the miracle of finally becoming slim and lithe with just a jab in the abdominal wall is not only zeitgeist, it is also a dangerous matter. Because: The syringe contains the active ingredient semaglutide. The injection is usually used to treat type 2 diabetes, and these days it’s not that easy for sufferers to get! And that’s because of a crazy trend!

Many stars and influencers have already injected themselves with this drug to lose weight. As a result, people with type 2 diabetes sometimes had to wait weeks for their injections, they were simply out of stock. What is particularly crude about it: the appetite suppressant requires a prescription! Doctors must therefore simply have gone along with the slimming obsession. Because one thing should be clear: not everyone who suddenly takes an injection has diabetes.

When madness turns into business

The weight business isn’t new, of course. The market is full of miracle drugs that promise: buy me and I’ll make you thin. You don’t have to do anything else. No annoying points or counting calories, no sweating in the gym, eat what you want, but above all, please use means XY! Because Germany is getting fatter, because people are eating less and less and are moving less and less, people are “accommodating”.

And it almost sounds like irony: One of the arguments used by the manufacturers of the thinners is often: “We bear responsibility. We want Germany to do better. We make sure that fewer people get sick, we even make them healthy!” To be honest: I’ve often asked myself: why do you believe that? Why don’t people turn on their heads a little? And why do we let ourselves be seduced so often? Because we don’t have time? Because we have no discipline? Because we’d like to believe that the forever thin remedy exists without doing anything about it?

We have to move. Don’t squirt.

When I first heard about Ozempic and the problems surrounding it, I thought to myself: What is the matter with us humans? Why are we so desperate? More and more questions arose, and a certain bewilderment. The syringe seems to be the result of our excess, of our unbelievable consumption behavior. Food is constantly and plentifully available for the affluent society of Germany. So: Put it in the body. The main thing is that it tastes good, the syringe will fix it.

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Not only is this inner attitude completely wrong, it is dangerous and also – in the truest sense of the word – antisocial. I’m not saying it could be that easy, because it isn’t. Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows it’s a long, hard road. And at the very beginning there is movement. We move far too little. On average, not even one kilometer a day, the statistics show. And since Corona, Germany has continued to “grow” and become fatter. But if you keep moving, you lay the foundation for a good weight over the long term.

The “Formula Slim” is so simple

Incidentally, the syringe is incredibly expensive: it will cost around 1300 euros. And you can be sure: People will be happy to pay these monthly costs when it comes to looking good. And as a healthy person you can really save yourself that. For example, if you go running three to four times a week, better five times, maybe five to ten kilometers per unit, you are already close to your ideal weight. Add three liters of water a day, seven to eight hours of sleep, low sugar, low alcohol, and a moderate, healthy diet, and you won’t be in need of injections.

If you then do a little weight training and/or yoga, you will get a slim and defined body. However, all of these gears really need to mesh permanently. Otherwise it will be nothing. And that means: The truth is that we need discipline, that we may have to change completely.

And that’s difficult for a lot of people, and I know what I’m talking about. But an injection is definitely not the alternative. So get on the healthy path and let type 2 diabetics get their much-needed medication!

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That’s how it works.

Read all of Mike Kleiß’s columns here.

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