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A new extraordinary beneficial virtue of coffee has been discovered

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A new extraordinary beneficial virtue of coffee has been discovered


A study suggests it BMJ Medicine based on a relatively new methodology. Indeed, the study made it possible to verify the existence of a cause and effect relationship between caffeine consumption and the reduced risk of developing diabetes. In the light of the results obtained, the result of a study by Karolinska Institutet of Stockholm, the researchers say it is probably worth exploring the potential role of calorie-free caffeine drinks in reducing the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Previously published research indicates that consuming 3-5 cups of coffee a day, a rich source of caffeine, is associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, note the researchers led by Susanna Larsson. An average cup of coffee contains about 70-150 milligrams (mg) of caffeine. However, most of the research published thus far has involved studies that cannot reliably establish a cause-and-effect relationship between caffeine consumption and diabetes protection.

The levels of caffeine

The researchers demonstrated this association with the so-called “Mendelian randomization”. The role of two common genetic variants of the CYP1A2 and AHR genes in nearly 10,000 people was examined. The two genes CYP1A2 and AHR ‘regulate’ the rate of caffeine metabolism. People with genetic variants absorb caffeine more slowly, drink less coffee on average, but have higher levels of caffeine in their blood than people who metabolize it rapidly.

The results of the analysis showed that genetically predicted higher blood caffeine levels were associated with lower weight and body fat. Higher levels of caffeine in the blood, also via genes, are also associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. A daily intake of 100 mg is estimated to increase energy expenditure by approximately 100 calories per day, which it could reduce the risk of developing obesity, the researchers write.

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