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A Step Forward: Birth of Emergency Assistance Centers in Emilia Romagna

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A Step Forward: Birth of Emergency Assistance Centers in Emilia Romagna

Birth of Cau: New Emergency Assistance Centers to Open in Emilia Romagna

Bologna, 11 July 2023 – Emilia Romagna is taking a step forward in improving emergency assistance with the establishment of new centers called Cau. These centers aim to cater to the majority of emergency department cases, specifically the “white codes” and “verdi” codes, which account for 70% of all accesses. The first Cau centers are expected to open progressively and experimentally between October and November, with a communication campaign to citizens starting in September. The full operationalization of the streamlined emergency room model is planned for 2024 and 2025.

The topic of the Cau centers and the reform of emergency assistance was discussed at a recent meeting between the intersindacale medica and Luke Baldino, the director general of the Department of Health Policies.

Labor unions have expressed their thoughts on the resolution for the urgency of emergency reform. Alfredo Panissa, Uil FPL medical coordinator, emphasizes the need for more information and clarifications regarding the number and location of the Cau centers. Without proper information, there is a risk that the project implementation may not be consistent across all territories. Esther Pasetti, regional secretary Anaao-Assomed, acknowledges the necessity of the project but raises concerns about the creation of privileged paths from Cau centers to hospital specialists. She highlights the importance of considering critical issues and using new technologies, such as teleconsultations. Victor Dalmastri, regional secretary Fp CGIL doctors and managers of the National Health Service, and Massimo Dall’Olio, regional secretary Cisl medici, both reserve their opinions until they receive the text of the resolution. Dall’Olio expresses his agreement with the fundamental principles of the reform, but he seeks further clarity on its practical aspects and services to be offered.

Earlier, the commission for health and social policies, chaired by Ottavia Soncini, had already discussed the new organizational model for low complexity emergencies.

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Raffaele Donini, the assessor to Healthcare, emphasizes that the proposal for reorganization is the result of extensive consultation with professionals, trade unions, and social and health territorial conferences. The aim is to make the sector more efficient and improve the care provided to emergencies and urgencies. Donini believes the reorganization will allow for timely interventions and facilitate citizens’ access to adequate care without long waits.

Various councilors have also shared their opinions on the reform. Marta Evangelisti from Brothers of Italy expresses doubt about the reform and calls for clarity on the assistance and emergency centers. Daniel Marchetti from Lega believes that it is important to hear from those who will be directly affected by the reform and emphasizes the need to immediately open surgeries for low complexities to improve the system. Silvia Piccinini from M5s believes that the difficulties of the emergency and urgency system must be addressed, starting from the territories. Stefania Bondavalli from the Bonaccini list supports the reorganization proposal as a reasoned and structural answer to the problem, with a focus on not retreating from the services provided through the emergency and urgency network. Palm Costs from the Democratic Party sees the reorganization as a way to alleviate pressure on the emergency room by efficiently using personnel and addressing the issue of professional demographics.

The establishment of the Cau centers and the proposed reform aim to enhance emergency assistance in Emilia Romagna, ultimately providing better and more efficient care to citizens.

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