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abandoned after a few hours of life

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abandoned after a few hours of life

The body of one baby girl it has been found lifeless within a Caritas dumpster in Milan. According to initial information, the little girl would have been left on the shelf of the dumpster, dedicated to the collection of clothes, a few hours after birth. Investigations by the coroner are underway to understand if the little girl was abandoned alive or if she already was dead.

The discovery from a little hand

The find was made by a man That around 8pm on Friday 28 April he went to the dumpster to leave an envelope with some used clothes. And at that point he would have become aware of the presence of a little hand which protruded from a bassoon placed on the shelf of the dumpster. It all happened in the neighborhood of City of Studies at the corner between via Sandro Botticelli and via CesareSaldini.

The investigations of the flying squad

The witness immediately called 118 and asked for the intervention of the police. Investigate the case mobile team coordinated by prosecutor Paolo Storari. Checks are underway on cameras of the area and in hospitals in the province of Milan to check if any women with problems related to a home birth.

Born a few hours ago

According to what has been reconstructed so far by investigators, the little girl’s body has been found wrapped in a blanket, still dirty with blood and placenta, a sign that the birth had taken place since few hours, if not minutes. The little body was then left on the metal floor of the dumpster. But those who have abandoned it have avoided turning the swivel mechanism which allows the clothes to fall inside the chest. As if, somehow, wanted the body to be found.

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Already dead when it was abandoned

Just the fact that the bassoon was outside the dumpster and clearly visible leaves investigators to speculate that the newborn was already dead when it was abandoned. Also because everything happened in one high traffic area, residential, and in which on Friday evening surely many people would have heard the crying of the little one, if she had been alive.

No signs of violence

Police investigators and prosecutor Paolo Storari work for track down the mother. The suspicion is that it may be a person homeless who perhaps lives in conditions of great hardship and desperation. The first coroner’s examination carried out on site showed no signs of violence on the baby’s body. The umbilical cord it had been cut in an artisanal way, without any medical precautions. For this reason it is taken for granted in the investigation that the birth took place completely at home and outside any clinical setting.

The precedents: the newborns left in Milan

There have been in the past few weeks two cases of newborns left by their parents in Milan, luckily in good health and in conditions of safety. The first was little Aeneas, left on Easter morning in the “Culla per la Vita” of the Milan Polyclinic; a few days later a woman who gave birth in a shed has left the baby in the Buzzi hospital, making the choice not to recognize it. To last Augusta similar case in Monza: a baby had been left in a shoebox in the parking lot of the San Gerardo hospital: this little girl was also in good condition.

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