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Abdominal diastasis, the first symptoms that reveal it – Newsbiella.it

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Abdominal diastasis, the first symptoms that reveal it – Newsbiella.it

After a birth, maybe twins, your abdomen doesn’t go back to the way it was before? It is not always due to a non-observed diet or insufficient sport … often behind this relaxed and protruding abdomen there can be a medical cause which is known as Abdominal diastasis. But how to recognize abdominal diastasis? We reveal the tricks to understand what are the first symptoms and the causes.

How to recognize abdominal diastasis: the most evident symptoms

Expecting a child is certainly a joy but in addition to the physical and psychological stress, the expectant mother also has to face important changes to her body. Diastasis abdominis refers to a separation of the rectus abdominis muscle; this condition often occurs during pregnancy and can cause a swollen belly and a weakened core. I early symptoms of diastasis recti they may be mild, but they can be noticeable. Some of the more common signs of abdominal diastasis include:

Swollen belly: One of the first signs of diastasis recti is a noticeable bulge in the center of the belly, particularly when lying down. This bulge can sometimes be seen even when standing, especially when straining the abdominal muscles, such as when coughing or sneezing.

Weakness: People with diastasis recti often experience weakness in their core, which can make it difficult to perform tasks such as lifting weights, bending over, or getting up from a seated position. This weakness can also make it difficult to perform exercises that target the abdominal muscles, such as sit-ups or crunches.

BackacheDiastasis Abs can also lead to back pain, as weakened core muscles are no longer able to provide adequate support to the lower back. This can cause discomfort, especially when standing or sitting for long periods of time.

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ConstipationDiastasis Abs can also cause digestive problems, such as constipation, as the muscles in the abdomen are no longer able to push food effectively through the intestines.

Urinary incontinence: Some women with diastasis recti may experience urinary incontinence, as the weakened abdominal muscles are no longer able to support the bladder. This can cause leaks when coughing, laughing or sneezing.

It `s important to note that not all women who experience diastasis recti during pregnancy will experience all of these symptoms and some may not experience any symptoms at all. However, if you suspect you have diastasis recti, it is important to consult a doctoras it can affect quality of life and lead to other health problems if left untreated.

Abdominal diastasis is most commonly diagnosed during pregnancy, as the uterus expands and puts pressure on the abdominal muscles. However, it can also occur after pregnancy or as a result of other factors, such as rapid weight gain, obesity, or aging.

The diagnosis of abdominal diastasis in general involves a physical exam, during which the doctor will check the separation of the rectus abdominis muscle by pressing on the abdomen. In some cases, one may even be ordered CAT scan or an MRI to confirm the diagnosis.

What are the causes?

This condition can be caused by several factors, including:

Pregnancy: Pregnancy is the most common cause of diastasis recti, as the uterus expands and puts pressure on the abdominal muscles, causing them to separate.

Rapid weight gainDiastasis Abs can also occur as a result of rapid weight gain, as excess weight puts pressure on the abdominal muscles and causes them to separate.

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Genetics: some people may be predisposed to diastasis recti due to their genetic makeup.

It is important to note that diastasis recti it can occur in both men and womenbut is most commonly diagnosed in pregnant women. If you experience symptoms of diastasis recti, it’s important to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Solutions to treat diastasis recti

Surgery may be an option for some individuals with severe abdominal diastasis that hasn’t improved with conservative treatments, such as physical therapy and exercise. However, it’s important to note that surgery isn’t always the best solution and that other treatments, such as physical therapy and lifestyle changes, should be considered first.

It’s important work with a specialized medical center who has experience treating diastasis recti to determine the best course of treatment for your individual needs. In some cases, surgery may be the best option, but in others, conservative treatments may be more effective.

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