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ADUC – Health – Article

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ADUC – Health – Article
Work more to have more money available and to consume more. It is one of the dogmas of our development model. For decades we have been (we: we are obviously talking about the rich world) invited in every way to buy, use and if possible throw away instead of repairing every type of object, food, clothing, tool, means of transport, consumables. Often causing our minds to feel needs that, without the bombardment of commercials and advertisements, we could easily do without.

A wrong development model
It is not a conspiracy theory that sees consumers as the last cogs in a mechanism that aims to maximize production and profits (for a few) while impoverishing most of us. The explosion of financial services, even particularly risky ones, to spread payments by installments in any way, represent the seal.

A report by a French association and think tank, published last October, underlines how all this is not only incompatible with the sustainable management of the planet’s resources. But in total contradiction with what is required of us today: austerity (in the good sense of the term), sobriety, the fight against waste, sacrifices.

More advertising and more consumption
The document, signed by Communication and Democracy and the Veblen Institute, shows, based on a university study, the economic impacts of marketing expenditure in France. The data is extremely interesting, and it is easily imaginable that they are similar in other western countries, including Italy. Firstly, total investments in commercial communications in France have amounted to 30 billion euros a year, from 2003 to the present. We are talking about the same amount allocated for research and development in private companies.

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Most importantly, the report indicates that this amount of money has paid off. The overall increase in consumption between 1992 and 2019 was 5.3%. «For a long time – explains Mathilde Dupré, economist and co-director of the Veblen Institute, according to what was reported by the newspaper Novethic – there was no debate on the subject. Because advertising was considered to be purely informative. It was thought that the only effect was a division of market shares among the various subjects promoting their products. But numerous studies underline its persuasive nature. The 5% increase might seem small, but considering that we are talking about very important aggregate data, the reality is that it is a decidedly significant figure».

The strategy of psychological obsolescence to increase consumption
The analysis highlights in particular what is defined “psychological obsolescence”. That is the strategy of advertisers that aims to increase the feeling of dissatisfaction with what you own. An example for all: according to the Ademe, the Agency for the environment and energy management, 88% of mobile phones replaced in France still work at the time of exchange.
But how do we afford this continuous turnover of products? Working harder. In the same period of time (1992-2019) the hours worked in the European nation increased by 6.6%. A growth, continues Dupré, “necessary to follow consumption, at the expense of our free time as well as the planet”. In fact, most of the increase in consumption is concentrated on products that are particularly harmful to the climate and the environment: this is the case of cars (especially SUVs), air travel, fast-food restaurants.

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And to understand how incompatible all of this is with the challenges we face, in 2020 the average carbon footprint of a French citizen was 8.2 tonnes of CO2 equivalent. That is, how much is issued in a year due to one’s own consumption and one’s own activities. To stay aligned with your goals‘Paris Agreementit would be necessary to stay on the 2 tons.

(Andrea Barolini on Valori.it of 08/02/2023)

the association does not receives and is against public funding (also 5 per thousand)
Its economic strength are inscriptions and contributions donated by those who deem it useful


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