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ADUC – Health – Article

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ADUC – Health – Article
Not a day goes by that the Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, Francesco Lollobrigida, does not undertake to remind us that he is a fascist, even in the 2023 version embodied by the Meloni government, which does not seem to want to use castor oil and the like. But the problem – remembering fascism or not – arises because with respect to certain approaches policies are then proposed and implemented, which cost and can cause damage to our economic and social regime.

In this case, our minister insists on the fact that ethnic substitution must be fought, even in the new sweetened version of defense of Italianness, a condition that many continue to wonder what it is (1)…..

Since the government and its ministers are important and also control state information (Rai), last night the opening of Tg1 at 8pm (the most important and followed newscast of our public information service) was largely dedicated to the decrease in birth rate, highlighting that we have fewer children than Germany and France… Countries which in this case, unlike what usually happens (much due to policies for welcoming migrants), are presented as good examples An editorial choice which, faced with the yesterday’s information has more the characteristics of propaganda than information. But, we know, Rai is “their thing”.

In the world the population is growing terribly and the explosion of migrations are proof of this, that the UN demographic policies are difficult to approach in the poorest countries.

Italian governments, including the previous ones and even if in a less “truculent” way than the current ones, have always tried to get Italians to have more children. But the latter, after the famous post-World War II booms, have always chosen to do the opposite. Authoritarian and post-fascist demographers say it is the fault of the state that has not sufficiently stimulated them (economy and culture). While very little is known about the possible decision of individuals to be happy with fewer children, due to awareness of what is happening in the world as well as better attention to one’s sexual and economic life.

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The government should thank the Italians for their maturity and use their economic and cultural energies to help and spread awareness of degrowth in that part of the world where instead more children are born. Also because the ongoing demographic explosion, which goes hand in hand with the destabilization due to the increase in global temperatures, causes more violent migrations, wars and poverty.

It is a reality, unfortunately, that there is a great gap between institutional politics, as well as governments, and Italians. Everyone goes on their own. Today, while Italians continue to seek their happiness by looking at the world, politics and governments are dedicating themselves to re-editing sovereign policies already rejected by history and deciding not to make their own cultural and economic contribution to saving the planet.

1 . apart from the “specks” that refer to the thirty years of the last century in which we were under the dictatorship of Mussolini.

Here the video on Aduc’s YouTube channel

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