Home » After an operation: How to avoid unsightly scars

After an operation: How to avoid unsightly scars

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After an operation: How to avoid unsightly scars

Word & picture publishing group – health reports

Baierbrunn (ots)

To ensure that surgical wounds heal optimally, patients can do a lot themselves. “Above all, make sure not to put any tension on the fresh scar, for example by lifting heavy weights or doing strength training”, advises Dr. Uwe Schwichtenberg, resident dermatologist from Bremen and board member and press spokesman at the Professional Association of German Dermatologists (BVDD) im “HausArzt-PatientMagazine”.

Whiten hypertrophic scars

Regular use is also crucial for optimal wound healing scar massage. “It’s best to start as soon as the stitches are removed and continue the grooming ritual for a few months”so Schwichtenberg. “Whether you use a simple care cream or a special scar gel is less relevant. The most important thing is that you treat the skin along the scar and don’t massage across it.”

However, there are body regions where conspicuous scars tend to appear. This mainly affects places where the skin is strong undervoltage standing or the mechanical stress is particularly high – for example the outside of the upper arms, the hips or the area above the breastbone. Excessive scarring can also occur genetically conditioned be. Raised, reddish growths then develop on the original wound, according to dermatologist Schwichtenberg. “These hypertrophic scars can be lightened or flattened with laser, freezing or cortisone shots.”

Rarely noticeable scars on the face

Uwe Schwichtenberg recommends that if a scar “spreads out” despite protection and consistent care, you should see your family doctor in good time. Because the earlier something is done, the bigger it is prospect of improvement. “By the way, conspicuous scars are less common on the face”explains the dermatologist. “The skin on the face is well supplied with blood, usually heals well, and wounds here are usually less stressed.”

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This report is only free for publication with a reference to the source. The “HausArzt-PatientMagazine” is published by the German Association of General Practitioners in cooperation with Wort & Bild Verlag. Issue II/2023 is distributed to patients in general practitioners nationwide.

Press contact:

Julie von Wangenheim, Head of Corporate Communications
Katharina Neff-Neudert, PR Manager
Tel.: 089/744 33-360
E-Mail: [email protected]

Original content from: Wort & Bild Verlagsgruppe – health reports, transmitted by news aktuell

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