Home » Airoldi: “From the ending state of emergency, to the first signs of a new local medicine”

Airoldi: “From the ending state of emergency, to the first signs of a new local medicine”

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Airoldi: “From the ending state of emergency, to the first signs of a new local medicine”

SARONNO – We publish the note of the mayor Augusto Airoldi on Saronno Sette this week. The government has chosen March 31 as the watershed date. From today, 1 April, the national pandemic emergency is formally closed and many rules have changed that have progressively conditioned our lives since the distant March of 2020. The formal emergency ends and some rules change, but the attention of all of us from Saronesi must remain high, also because after so many efforts and so many sacrifices made in these two years, it would be truly unforgivable to throw everything away by giving up the Covid chapter, which closed is not at all.

The infections, as we know, due to the second variant of Omicron, are going back to Saronno as all over the world to the point of talking about a fifth wave and for example in countries like the United States, for many age groups, even the fourth. vaccine dose. Precisely for this reason our Municipality obviously follows the new national rules, but no one lowers its guard and we maintain the utmost commitment both in prevention and in anti-pandemic action. The activity of our buffer centers continues with Saronno Servizi as all the activities of our municipal pharmacies continue on this front.And above all, even if at the necessary pace, the overtime work of our vaccination hub City of Saronno wanted by the Municipality together with the whole city at Ex-Pizzigoni and managed by us, by the local police, by our administrative and technical staff, by the many volunteers, by the nurses of our hospital, by the Insubria Medical Cooperative and by several volunteer doctors, since April last year.

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And in less than a year this reality was able to administer 152,000 vaccinations which we have already spoken with pride. But that’s not enough. In addition to the numbers of vaccinated, the numbers that impress are also those on the incredible quality of the service offered. The 58 general practitioners who answered the questionnaire from the Insubria Medical Cooperative say so. Among them, who are in daily contact with theirs
patients in the city, the percentage of those who choose “excellent” as a judgment on different parameters for evaluating the work of the hub and everyone
those who have worked and still work there, ranges from 62% to 93%. ‘87.9% is instead the percentage of doctors who assess the overall functioning of the hub as “excellent”. These numbers are even more impressive if you consider that 0% give an insufficient or sufficient judgment. A consensus that also emerges from the request for suggestions for the future that propose improvements in the information material relating to vaccines available in the hub, but otherwise confirm that it could not have been done better.

However, this research is not a point of arrival, but of departure. Because what it demonstrates is that both in emergencies and normally the collaboration between doctors, local institutions and volunteers can help to relaunch local medicine which, as we know, has been neglected for a long time in favor of hospitalization. And for this very reason, together with ASST and the Cooperative Medici Insubria, we are already working to get to the opening of the first of the two Community Houses planned in Saronno. Together, the Municipality and the doctors, we will be able to make a new, more integrated and efficient territorial socio-sanitary approach structural
truly to patients with the same organization, the same spirit of listening and the same sensitivity and competence demonstrated in a situation of great emergency such as the one we have been experiencing since March 2020. With this concrete vision on the future and looking forward to December 2022, when we will open the first Community House in Saronno, we can also be more confident in greeting this symbolic date of March 31st, which we really hope will take us out of the pandemic emergency for good. We have certainly learned a lot and we will know how to treasure it in the future at the service of the Saronnese and all the citizens of our territory.

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