Home » All the meanings of food (which are also why dieting is so hard)

All the meanings of food (which are also why dieting is so hard)

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All the meanings of food (which are also why dieting is so hard)
Diet (Freepik)

What is really hiding behind the diet. A deeper meaning that perhaps not everyone had taken into consideration.

There are more and more people who, for reasons related to their physical appearance or to maintain the right balance, decide to go on a diet. But what perhaps not everyone knows is that whoever is experiencing this choice must fight continuously against very rigid social schemes and often difficult to break down. But let’s see together what it is and why not everyone is aware of this condition.

Fashion magazine magazines, but also advertisements or public figures, have always had stereotypical beauty.

More and more young people or adults decide to go on a diet to stay healthy keeping up with the new aesthetic canons. Still others choose a healthier diet for reasons related to their body or to not intoxicate their body with fast food. In short, the reasons why a person can consult a nutritionist they are many and of various kinds. What not everyone knows is that there is a real one study done by psychologists on the hidden truths of those who decide to start a diet.

On the other hand, especially we Italians, when we eat a meal we are unconsciously communicating with those around us.

Because food makes us socialize with others

The same psychologists of the Research Center of the Catholic University they explained that food is one of the greatest ways to socialize with others. It allows us to relate to others and to create often indissoluble bonds. If in ancient times eating was nothing more than a physiological need of us human beings, now it has become rather a symbol and an added value to our lives. A simple plate of pasta can create intimacy with the people sitting at our same table.

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In short, there is nothing in the world that unites us more than food. However, this also seems not to be confirmed by those who are on a diet. But what is the reason?

Laid-table (Freepik)

The main reason dieters feel left out

According to some revelations released by people who have decided to embark on a diet, the above speech it is in no way truthful. The main purpose when we eat as a family is not to ingest our favorite foods, rather it is to be together and share moments of happiness.

Anyone who has decided to choose a healthy diet believes that sitting at the table with loved ones is one of the most difficult obstacles to overcome. This is because not having the same plate in front of his eyes, it is inevitable that he feels somehow excluded and not at all an integral part of the people around him.

A social meaning which perhaps not everyone had ever taken into consideration but which, however, unites different people all over the world.

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