Home » also in Italy cases on the rise. In Europe, A-breaking latest news also warns of invasive streptococcus infections

also in Italy cases on the rise. In Europe, A-breaking latest news also warns of invasive streptococcus infections

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also in Italy cases on the rise.  In Europe, A-breaking latest news also warns of invasive streptococcus infections
Of Ruggiero Corcella

This is confirmed by a circular from the Ministry of Health, after reports from the ECDC and the WHO regional office which, however, assess the risk for the general population as low

Scarlet fever and streptococcus are once again worrying the health authorities, both nationally and internationally. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the WHO Regional Office for Europe have reported an increase in cases, following a period of low incidence of group A streptococcus infections observed during the pandemic of COVID-19, but with an increase that had already occurred at the end of 2022. Talking about scarlet fever and strep, talk about the same thing: scarlet fever is in fact an acute infectious disease, contagious, due to a infection with group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal bacteria.

In particular, the ECDC talks about the case of Ireland where 101 cases were notified between the beginning of January and 4 March, compared to seven recorded in the same period in 2022. As a precaution,
the Ministry of Health has also issued a circular
signed by the Director General of Prevention Gianni Rezza because he is registering an increase in cases of scarlet fever as of January 2023, especially in children under 15 years of age. Confirmation of the increase in cases of scarlet fever also comes from the Italian Society of Pediatrics, but fortunately not of invasive infections.

Risk assessment

WHO and ECDC currently estimate the risk of iGAS as low for the general population, considering that the current increase in reported iGAS cases in some European countries is moderate, that the reported cases are not caused by a new strain, and that the disease is easily treatable with antibiotics. This season, typing data suggests that the increase in iGAS cases is not related to a specific or new strain or to an increase in antibiotic resistance. ECDC invites countries experiencing an increase in cases to share data relating to emm typing, multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and/or whole genome sequencing (WGS). WHO encourages countries that have reported an increase in iGAS cases to ad implement surveillance activities. Furthermore, it suggests informing the general population and healthcare professionals in order to improve early recognition, reporting and timely initiation of treatment of GAS cases.

The directions

The Directorate of Prevention makes a series of recommendations: it is important that infections related to GAS, such as pharyngotonsillitis and scarlet feverbe identified and treated promptly with antibiotics to reduce the risk of potential complications, such as iGAS, and reduce subsequent transmission. General practitioners (GPs), pediatricians of free choice (PLS), hospital and community specialist physicians must clinically suspect a GAS infection when evaluating patients with compatible symptoms, in particular those who have presented a previous viral infection ( including chicken pox and seasonal flu) and close contacts of patients with scarlet fever or iGAS. In addition, particular attention must be paid to streptococcus A infections among residents of long-term care facilities, due to the increased risk of illness and death among this vulnerable population, the circular reads.

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What are iGAS infections

iGAS infections, it is clarified, can initially present with non-specific symptoms (fever, general tiredness, loss of appetite) and children, in particular, may have rapid progression to severe disease. Therefore, parents/guardians should request a clinical evaluation if their child has symptoms of concern and is not improving clinically. In case of hospitalizationrespiratory protection measures must be implemented.

The preventive measures

Healthcare professionals should always follow standard precautions and perform a risk assessment to assess the need for additional precautionary measures. Good hand hygiene and the elimination of possible promiscuous behaviour (e.g. sharing utensils, glasses and personal items, etc.) can help control the transmission of infection. Schools and other educational settings where GAS infections are reported should follow guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting toys and frequently touched surfaces.

The vaccinations

Given that some respiratory infections, such as influenza and chicken pox, can increase the risk of developing iGAS, it is appropriate evaluate the possible offer of the relative vaccination to cohabitants and close contacts in the case (including classmates and teachers), based on the epidemiological situation and the vaccination status of the subject. In the case of iGAS – explains the circular – pharmacological prophylaxis for cohabitants and close contacts is not routinely recommended; however, targeted pharmacological prophylaxis may be considered for close contacts at risk due to age (≥ 65 years) or concomitant conditions (e.g., HIV infection, varicella or diabetes mellitus).

April 18, 2023 (change April 18, 2023 | 17:04)

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