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Alzheimer, early diagnosis thanks to this blood marker

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Alzheimer, early diagnosis thanks to this blood marker

A recent discovery could revolutionize the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. A marker has been identified in the blood that could early detection of the onset of the disease in cognitively healthy elderly subjects. The research, conducted by a team of scientists, analyzed blood samples from a group of elderly individuals who subsequently developed signs of cognitive impairment.

This promising marker could pave the way for a new non-invasive and reliable method for early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, enabling timely intervention and preventive measures. Below you will find all the details about this groundbreaking discovery.

A revolutionary discovery for Alzheimer’s sufferers

Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disease that mainly affects elderly people, progressively compromising their memory, cognitive abilities and daily functions. Currently, the diagnosis of this disease occurs through cognitive tests and observation of clinical symptoms. Often the disease is only detected at an advanced stage, when brain damage is already significant, but this discovery could represent a breakthrough in early diagnosis. The scientists identified a specific combination of biomarkers in the blood which appears to be related to the onset of the disease. Through the analysis of blood samples taken from cognitively healthy elderly individuals, it was possible to identify the presence of these traces indicative of the development of Alzheimer’s.

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The marker, called Neuro-P4, has been identified as a possible indicator of alterations in neuronal metabolism associated with Alzheimer’s. Preliminary results show that Neuro-P4 levels were significantly different in participants who developed the disease versus those who remained cognitively healthy over time. Early detection of Alzheimer’s is critical to initiating early treatments and delaying disease progression. The ability to detect this marker in the blood could allow for earlier diagnosis and more effective management of the disease. It could also pave the way for the development of new drugs and targeted therapies to fight Alzheimer’s.

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However, it is important to underline that this discovery is still under study and will require further research and confirmation before it can be applied in clinical practice. Scientists are optimistic about the prospects offered by this marker in the blood, but it is necessary to conduct further studies on a larger number of individuals to confirm the efficacy and reliability of this diagnostic methodology. We remain hopeful of further research progress and the advancement of knowledge to combat this increasingly prevalent disease.

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