Home » Alzheimer’s, if you have these symptoms go to the doctor immediately: it can save your life

Alzheimer’s, if you have these symptoms go to the doctor immediately: it can save your life

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Alzheimer’s, if you have these symptoms go to the doctor immediately: it can save your life

Today it is finally possible to find out if you will develop Alzheimer’s disease in the future. Let’s find out the details together.

A little while ago, an exceptional discovery was made about Alzheimer’s disease, one of the most widespread diseases in the world.

Photo from Canva

In fact, only in Italy it strikes million of people every year and this discovery will be able to save the lives of many people. Scientists have so far failed to make much progress on the factors that lead to Alzheimer’s. But now things have changed.

A cure for Alzheimer’s

As mentioned above, Alzheimer’s is one of the most prevalent degenerative diseases in the world. Unfortunately, a cure has not yet been found but recently scientists have managed to identify some factors that could trigger the disease.

elderly with degenerative disease
Photo from Canva

This disease is named after a German neurologist, Alois Alzheimer, who in the early 1900s was the first to identify the symptoms and neurological aspects. It is a degenerative disease, for which there is still no cure. A large part of the population is affected every year. Just think about that 5% of people over 65 are affected and 20% of over 80. In fact, it is the most common cause of dementia. But what causes it? In short, Alzheimer’s develops when there are changes in the brain, which sometimes make the simpler daily tasks difficult. This disease affects memory and cognitive functions, resulting in difficulties in communication, causing states of confusion, as well as disorientation and states of confusion.

Thanks to the latest studies carried out it has been found that Alzheimer’s can be diagnosed much earlier than previously thought. The research, published by Macquarie University of Sydney, has highlighted some symptoms that can highlight the presence of the disease. So thanks to these symptoms it is possible to intercept it many years earlier. Researchers were able to find a relationship between a blood biomarker and Alzheimer’s risk. The biomarker in question is the biomarker 2-HAA. In fact, as evidenced in the research, people who present a high amount of this biomarker have a 35 times greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s. A revolutionary discovery to say the least, thanks to which millions of people could obtain a timely diagnosis, allowing them to regulate and correct their lifestyle, in such a way as to reduce the chronic inflammation at the basis of the disease.

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