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An often ignored symptom can indicate a severe deficiency of this vitamin

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We know how essential vitamins are for our body. Taking all kinds of them allows us not only to stay healthy but also to have enough energy to face the days. In this case, we want to focus on vitamin C, which is essential for the well-being of our body. It is a substance that can only be obtained from food. When we don’t follow some specific criteria, our body points it out to us.

An often ignored symptom can indicate a severe deficiency of this vitamin

As we have deduced, therefore, vitamin C is essential for our body. There is no other way than to obtain it from specific foods. When this does not happen, our body sends signals to make us aware of the situation. In this study, researchers from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences describe some symptoms that could result from vitamin C deficiency.

Above all, we have the opportunity to see one clearly expressed, linked in this case to a specific category. Let’s try to understand in more detail what it is and what we can do about it if we were to see each other again in the description.

Here is the signal that the body sends us

In the research just indicated, the various symptoms of the deficiency of this vitamin, essential for our well-being, are explained exactly. And, as it is easy to notice, it also indicates a symptom that concerns a very specific category, which is that of children.

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In fact, in this case, one of the alarm bells is represented by the lack of appetite. Many, for example, in this period link lack of appetite to heat and it is certainly linked to this in some cases. But in others, when it is accompanied by several specific symptoms, one has to pay an extra eye. So let’s take a closer look at an often ignored symptom actually indicates a severe deficiency of this vitamin.


A plate of this delicious food is enough to recharge us with vitamin D and Omega 3

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