Home » Andalusia Reaches Maximum Capacity in Medical Training Programs, Calls for Modification of Accreditation Criteria

Andalusia Reaches Maximum Capacity in Medical Training Programs, Calls for Modification of Accreditation Criteria

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Andalusia Reaches Maximum Capacity in Medical Training Programs, Calls for Modification of Accreditation Criteria

Title: Minister of Health Reports Maximum Number of Training Places Reached in Andalusia

Subtitle: Baeza Health Center Completes Comprehensive Remodeling at a Cost of €1.2 Million

The Minister of Health and Consumption, Catalina García, visited the recently remodeled Baeza health center in Andalusia on Thursday. During her visit, she disclosed that the community has reached its maximum capacity for training specialists in various medical fields. García stated that unless the Ministry of Health modifies the accreditation criteria, the community will be unable to train more specialists.

For the upcoming EIR 2023/2024 call, Andalusia plans to offer a total of 1,861 places, marking an increase of 57 places compared to the previous 2022/2023 edition. However, several medical specialties including Family and Community Medicine, Neurology, and Psychiatry have already offered 100% of their available places. This has led to a limitation on the number of places that can be offered in these areas.

The Minister expressed concern about the shortage of healthcare professionals in Andalusia and other parts of Spain. She criticized the government’s inflexibility in modifying the accreditation criteria for teaching training units, which would address the increasing demand for medical professionals.

Accompanied by local officials, including the mayor of Baeza and the general director of Socio-sanitary Care, Mental Health and Addictions, García toured the recently renovated Baeza health center. The remodeling, conducted in two phases, cost approximately €1.2 million. The Baeza health center now serves as the main basic management unit for a population of over 25,000 residents.

The comprehensive remodeling included improvements in lighting, security, and communication between consultations. Additionally, the air conditioning system was updated to promote energy efficiency and improve the overall quality of service. The expansion of various medical units, such as Gynecology and Dentistry, was also part of the remodeling project.

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The Baeza health center currently has nine doctors, two pediatricians, and nine nurses. It also serves several neighboring towns, including Begíjar and Estación, Ibros, Lupión, Sotogordo, La Yedra, Puente del Obispo, and Guadalimar.

After visiting the health center, Minister García attended a meeting at the Baeza City Council, where she discussed recent advancements in health services in the municipality and addressed their healthcare-related concerns.

Despite the completed remodeling and expansions, there was no increase in the built area or modifications to the entrance. The primary focus was to adapt the consultation and user service areas to improve energy efficiency and enhance the quality of care provided at the Baeza health center.

The Minister emphasized the importance of continuing to prioritize the comfort, health, and safety of both healthcare professionals and patients. The comprehensive remodeling and expansion are expected to address the growing demand for healthcare services in the community.

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