Home » Apathy, loss of appetite and gum bleeding could be some symptoms of a deficiency of this important vitamin

Apathy, loss of appetite and gum bleeding could be some symptoms of a deficiency of this important vitamin

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Tiredness and exhaustion are common symptoms that most of the time don’t cause concern. A little stress or problems sleeping well can upset our rhythms. Even the change of season or the switch to solar time would lead to the so-called “seasonal affective disorder”, seasonal depression.

However, when these symptoms do not seem to resolve on their own in a short time and even get worse, it is better to investigate thoroughly. In fact, it could be some vitamin deficiency that causes these disruptions in our body.

Apathy, loss of appetite and gum bleeding could be some symptoms of a deficiency of this important vitamin

Some vitamin deficiency can result in distinct symptoms that our doctor will be able to identify. Our body needs these macronutrients and their regular intake is important in the prevention of various diseases.

Vitamin deficiency is defined as hypovitaminosis and can depend on insufficient intake with food or on intestinal alterations that prevent its absorption. As reported by the National Institute of Health, according to some estimates there are billions of people who have a vitamin A deficiency, for example. In general, with the introduction of fortified foods or any supplements into the diet, it can be easily remedied.

How to understand if we suffer from a vitamin deficiency?

An indicator element is certainly the list of any symptoms, in addition to blood tests. Apathy, loss of appetite, muscle aches up to bleeding gums and falling teeth could reveal a vitamin C deficiency.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, which also intervenes in allergic reactions by enhancing the immune response. It is found in numerous foods such as citrus fruits, although the richest is not the orange as you might think.

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Deficiency of vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, leads to a condition called scurvy. This disease in the past was prevalent especially among sailors who rarely consumed fresh food. In addition to tiredness and exhaustion, ascorbic acid deficiency leads to gum bleeding, tooth loss or subcutaneous bleeding. This is due to the lack of collagen synthesis in which vitamin C participates, as well as other fundamental metabolic reactions.

To ensure a good supply of vitamin C, it would be better to consume fresh fruit and vegetables, preferably raw or lightly cooked. This is because this vitamin easily deteriorates during the cooking process due to heat, but also in washing.

So, be careful because apathy, loss of appetite and gum bleeding could be some symptoms of the deficiency of this important vitamin. We always listen to the signals that our body sends us and do not underestimate them. If one or more of these symptoms should occur, always contact our doctor. If necessary he will prescribe any blood tests to investigate our condition.


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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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