Home » Apple cider vinegar for breakfast? This is how our body reacts

Apple cider vinegar for breakfast? This is how our body reacts

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Apple cider vinegar is a food that is obtained from fermented apple juice. It is increasingly used in our kitchens as a condiment, but not only that, because thanks to its many benefits it is also consumed for other uses and many have learned to consume it even for breakfast?

But is using apple cider vinegar for breakfast really as healthy as you think or would it be better to do without it? We will answer these questions below.

The benefits of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has various beneficial properties and among these the antioxidant power is recognized, which is used to counteract the free radicals that are deposited in our body, moreover it is very effective in slowing down aging, eliminates toxins and drains.

It can be used as an anti-inflammatory, also very useful for preventing and treating inflammation of the oral cavity. It helps digestion and according to some studies carried out it could even facilitate weight loss, given its ability to accelerate metabolism, but in this case the ideas of nutritionists are discordant, what is certain is that it is low in calories, in fact 100 grams contain only 20 calories.

Is using it for breakfast good?

It certainly gives our body benefits, because it contains vitamins, mineral salts and antioxidant agents, which allow us to have the right energy to face the first part of the day and moreover it has a satiating effect and therefore prevents the sudden attacks of hunger which are typical arrive mid-morning.

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Its pungent taste certainly does not make it one of the most pleasant foods to consume in the early morning, but what is important to know about its use for breakfast is that it is not used to lose weight, so if you want to consume it with this hope it is advisable to move the Attention to other foods that are even more delicate on the palate and certainly more useful for losing extra pounds.

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