Home » Are you over 60? Perhaps, it would be better not to eat these foods

Are you over 60? Perhaps, it would be better not to eat these foods

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Are you over 60?  Perhaps, it would be better not to eat these foods

Eating well is one of the pillars for a healthy life, but how does our diet change when we go over 60? What to avoid and what to prefer in your diet.

Eat well (Photo from Canva)

In this age, it matters choose foods carefully which we consume to prevent disease and keep our vital organs in shape. In this article we will look at some foods to avoid if you are over 60 years old.

What to eat and what to avoid after 60

Sixty (Photo from Canva)

Il excessive consumption of salt it can raise blood pressure, making the heart work harder and increasing the risk of cardiovascular problems. Therefore, it is important to avoid foods that are rich in them, such as fried foods, cured meats, aged cheeses and canned foods. Additionally, you can substitute salt with herbs and spices to add flavor to dishes.

Fried foods: goodbye

Fried foods can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, so it is important to reduce their consumption. Additionally, fried foods are often high in saturated fat, which can negatively affect heart and blood vessel health. Better to opt for cooking foods in the oven, grilled or boiled.

Sugar and sweets

Woman at computer (Photo from Canva)

Il excessive consumption of sugar it can be harmful to our body, increasing the risk of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it is important to limit your intake of sweets, biscuits, cakes and sugary drinks. A good alternative is to use fresh fruit or dried fruit as a snack.


Excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of liver disease, heart disease and cancer. Therefore, it is important to avoid excessive alcohol consumption and limit yourself to one glass of wine or one beer a day.

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Fat food

The diet after the age of 60 should limit the consumption of fatty foods, such as fried foods or fatty cheeses, which can negatively affect the health of the heart and blood vessels. Additionally, excess fat can increase your risk of obesity and diabetes. Better to opt for foods rich in good fats, such as avocados, chia seeds and olive oil.

Spicy foods

Consuming spicy foods can irritate the stomach, increase the secretion of stomach acid and cause reflux. Therefore, it is important to limit the consumption of pepper, paprika, curry. Eating well and healthy is important for all ages, but there are some considerations to keep in mind after the age of 60, when our body begins to undergo some changes. Indeed, what we eat can affect our health, quality of life and longevity.

First, it’s important reduce consumption of fatty and sugary foods, which can increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and other medical conditions. Likewise, avoiding fried foods, full-fat dairy products, and canned foods can help keep your heart healthy and prevent plaque from building up in your arteries.

A major concern for people over 60 is high blood pressure. A balanced diet and the right foods can help keep blood pressure in check. Salt, for example, is a common ingredient in packaged foods, snacks and dishes served in restaurants, but consuming too much salt can raise blood pressure and therefore cause health problems. It is therefore better to limit the salt and instead use herbs and spices to flavor the dishes.

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Limit your alcohol consumption to avoid developing heart disease

Other foods that are important to avoid or limit are alcoholic beverages and sugary sodas, both of which can increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes, prematurely aging the body and lowering the quality of life. Opt for drinks that are low in sugar and alcohol, such as water, green tea, and coffee.

Seniors over 60 are at risk of developing some common diseases associated with aging. As the immune system becomes less efficient, older adults are more susceptible to infections and may also experience health problems such as dementia and heart disease. Let’s look at some of the most common diseases after the age of 60 below.

One of the most common health problems associated with aging is the increased risk of heart disease. High blood pressure, high cholesterol and atherosclerosis can lead to heart and blood vessel problems. It is important to have blood pressure and cholesterol levels under control and to eat a diet low in fat and salt to prevent these diseases.

Dementia is a brain disease that affects many elderly people and manifests itself in memory loss, confusion and the inability to carry out daily activities. There are several causes of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s disease. There is no cure for this disease yet, but some healthy behaviors and regular exercise can help prevent or delay its onset.

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