Home » Attention, here’s who can’t eat bresaola: did you know that?

Attention, here’s who can’t eat bresaola: did you know that?

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Attention, here’s who can’t eat bresaola: did you know that?

Bresaola is a tasty and popular Italian salami that is appreciated by many for its delicate flavor and tender texture. However, not everyone can enjoy this delicious food. There are some categories of people who should pay particular attention to or completely avoid the consumption of bresaola for health reasons. Let’s see who they are.

First of all, people with hypertension should pay attention to the consumption of bresaola. Bresaola is a food rich in sodium, which can negatively affect blood pressure. Excessive sodium consumption can lead to an increase in blood pressure, putting your cardiovascular health at risk. Therefore, those suffering from high blood pressure should limit their consumption of high-sodium foods, including dried beef.

Another group of people who should be careful are those with kidney failure. Kidney failure impairs the ability of the kidneys to properly remove wastes and fluids from the body. Since bresaola is a protein-rich food, its excessive consumption could increase the load on the kidneys and worsen the condition of people with renal insufficiency. It is essential to consult a doctor or dietician to determine the amount of protein that is safe and appropriate for your specific case.

Who shouldn’t eat bresaola

People suffering from hyperuricemia or gout should avoid bresaola. Gout is a form of arthritis caused by the buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints. Foods rich in purines, such as dried beef, can raise uric acid levels in the blood and trigger gout symptoms, such as joint pain, swelling and inflammation. It is advisable to avoid or limit the consumption of foods that are high in purines to manage this condition.

Also, pregnant or breastfeeding women should be careful with bresaola. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is essential to adopt a balanced diet that provides all the nutrients necessary for the health of the mother and the baby. However, raw bresaola can pose a health risk due to the possible presence of harmful bacteria such as listeria. Listeriosis, a disease caused by listeria, can be dangerous to the fetus or newborn. It is best to avoid raw bresaola or opt for the cooked or smoked version when pregnant and breastfeeding.

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Finally, people with nickel intolerance should be careful with bresaola. Nickel is a metal found in many foods and commonly used objects. Some people may develop a sensitivity or allergy to nickel, which can cause adverse reactions such as rash, itching or swelling. Bresaola can contain traces of nickel, so those who are sensitive to this metal should avoid or reduce the consumption of bresaola.

In conclusion, although bresaola is widely appreciated for its flavor and texture, it is important to take into account individual needs and health conditions. People with hypertension, renal insufficiency, hyperuricemia, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and those with nickel intolerance should be careful when consuming bresaola or avoid it altogether. Always consult a health professional or dietician for personalized advice based on your specific condition. Health always comes first and making informed choices is crucial to overall well-being.

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