Home » awarded the works for the multi-purpose gymnasium of the Cep

awarded the works for the multi-purpose gymnasium of the Cep

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awarded the works for the multi-purpose gymnasium of the Cep

The public tender procedure launched by the Municipality of Pisa to award the works for the construction of the new multipurpose gym in the Cep district was completed by 31 March, as envisaged by the timing required by the PNRR funds. The administration is now proceeding to carry out the checks envisaged by the tender procedures, to make the assignment of the works to the winner of the public tender (Begen Infrastructures) definitive. Once the checks have been passed and the tender contract has been signed, the start of the construction site is expected within the month of September.

The work costs 3.9 million euros, of which 3 million financed with PNRR funds, which the Municipality was awarded by participating in the ‘Sport and suburbs’ tender, 600 thousand euros with an old Apes fund linked to the construction of the plant (resources transferred from Apes to the Municipality as compensation for the construction of social housing built in place of the football field in the neighbourhood) which had remained unused for years, and 300,000 euros from the Municipality of Pisa. Before the publication of the call for tenders, the project for the new sports facility was presented to the district and sports associations during the public meeting held last December.

THE PROJECT. The new sports facility, which will be built in via Vecellio, will consist of two gymnasiums built in different but connected buildings, with relative services, a grandstand for the public, ample parking space and an external green area, as well as sidewalks and distribution roads, in order to obtain a new and functional sports complex. The gymnasiums will be used for the sport of boxing in the octagonal body while a gymnasium for volleyball and basketball will be built in the other volume.

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The intervention is divided into two distinct phases: the construction of the gymnasiums and later the construction of the outdoor areas. The intervention is part of a series of works in line with the Pisa-Cascina Inter-municipal Structural Plan which provides for the strengthening of the sports offer with the value of collective public equipment.

The construction typology includes a prefabricated reinforced concrete structure, with shed roofing in the volleyball-basketball gymnasium and flat roofing with sheathing or brick-red flooring in the boxing gymnasium. The brick-red color of the buildings ensures that they fit into the context of the neighborhood. The facades of the gym will be made with infill panels with high thermo-hygrometric performance but above all with a brick-red external finish, while the facades of the octagonal boxing gym will be clad with exposed brick. The red facades and the choice of colors serve to improve the insertion of the new buildings in the context and in particular to allow continuity with the Cep buildings. The paving of the pedestrian paths is in light-colored architectural concrete to improve its inclusion in the context. The parking lots are grassed self-locking, in order to reduce the environmental impact.

The overall project includes the arrangement of the external green area, with the planting of native vegetation: numerous tall trees are planned (planting index not less than 1 plant/80 m2), which have the purpose of mitigating the planting and attenuating the heat islands that can be created in the parking lots. Finally, the design of the new intervention takes into account thesustainable impact. As foreseen in all the projects financed by PNRR funds, the structure will be built with high efficiency characteristics from the point of view of thermal insulation and reduction of energy consumption, in addition to the use of systems for the exploitation of renewable energies with the installation of solar panels.

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