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Ayurveda at the changeover to daylight saving time

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Ayurveda at the changeover to daylight saving time

Solving problems with the changeover to daylight saving time with Ayurveda.

Ayurveda, time change, summer time

It’s almost that time again – summertime is just around the corner. Ayurveda can help to process this change more easily.

Many people are looking forward to the changeover to summertime with mixed feelings, because they know that this will be particularly stressful for their organism and they will need some time to adjust to summertime again.

What is more problematic – the changeover to summer time or to winter time.

The changeover to daylight saving time is more problematic for many people because it causes sleep disorders, poor concentration, tiredness and much more. The effect on the body is similar to that of jet lag, especially when the long-distance journey is in an easterly direction.

In both cases, the day is actually getting shorter and this has an impact on our organism, which is heavily controlled by daylight.

On the other hand, the changeover to winter time is usually easier to cope with, because the day seems to be longer then, if the time is set back, you have an extra hour of sleep.

From an Ayurvedic point of view, this time change causes Vata disorders – the same applies to jet lag when traveling east. Basically, the time change to daylight saving time is a kind of jet lag.

Vata disturbances are: insomnia, nervousness, being tense but also listless, dryness, feelings of cold.

Many of these problems are also described with the time change to daylight saving time and also with jet lag.

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Above all, people who emphasize Vata have these problems, as do people who have strong Vata disorders, for example due to stress or irregularities in the circadian rhythm. Because of the fact that they are often on the way to work and back or also professionally, these people are particularly susceptible to problems with the time change – the Vata is additionally increased and then causes the problems.

Here are some recommendations on what you can do to mitigate these DST issues or even prevent them from occurring at all:

Drink enough and regularly.

Regular drinking can compensate for Vata disorders, especially if they are warm drinks. My recommendation from an Ayurvedic point of view: warm tea with ginger and a squeeze of lemon. But the Ayurvedic tea Tulsi (a special basil plant) can also work wonders here. Boiled warm water can also be helpful, but I personally prefer drinking tea.

Slow transition to the new era.

The time change is in one night – at 1 hour all of a sudden. If you experience problems with this, you can start getting up a little earlier and going to bed earlier a few days beforehand, so the change is not so abrupt.

Alternating breathing – balancing, harmonizing breathing

In Ayurveda and Yoga, alternating breathing is very helpful to center yourself and to calm Vata.

To do this, you must alternately close the right and left nostril (e.g. with a finger or thumb) You breathe in on one side, then switch from the nostril and breathe out, breathe in on this side and again switch and breathe out.

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Always switch nostrils after inhaling…

Do this for 5-10 minutes and you will see and feel that you will feel better again quickly.

Breath is life – these breathing exercises not only give you peace and serenity, they also supply your cells with oxygen and this is important for your energy production in the cells.

Especially if you are often tired and listless – like drained, then it is particularly important to practice these breathing exercises regularly – but they can also work wonders during the time change.

Practice more regularity.

Vata is mainly increased by irregularity and stress.

Especially in this phase of transition from winter to summer time, you should be particularly careful, practice more regularity in your daily routine and avoid stress.

Walks are better than competitive sports.

Walks in nature are very healing for Vata – now that spring is coming, the greenery is everywhere again, which in itself calms Vata, but there is also a wonderful display of flowers which, if you open your eyes, can also be admired. Nature is a wonderful artist and you can really find peace here – this also calms Vata

How long do the problems with the time change last?

For most people it is only 1-2 days, for others up to a week, but especially people who are stressed about Vata or with more pronounced Vata disorders, it can also be longer.

It is particularly helpful to also use the time and deal more with Ayurvedic teachings – I have also included an online course for this: Health care with Ayurveda. There is an attractive discount for this right now in spring – so you can get to know Ayurveda very cheaply. Here is the description of the course: Health care with Ayurveda…

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The Ayurveda School Wolfgang Neutzler is an independent private school.

The headmaster of the school for Ayurveda, Wolfgang Neutzler, has been practicing as an alternative practitioner with a focus on Ayurveda since 1985. As a coach, he looks after people specifically when it comes to changing their diet and losing weight.

The main focus of his work are online seminars and training courses. A fast and effective way of learning, without travel expenses and stress, especially in this day and age.

The following online offers are available: Training to become an Ayurveda nutritionist, Ayurveda cooking courses, weight loss training, Ayurveda fasting week, course instructor for Ayurveda baby massage, massage for pregnant women, Ayurveda constitution determination, Ayurveda massages, Ayurveda relaxation Trainer.

Wolfgang Neutzler is the author and co-author of 8 books, including 5 Ayurveda books.

The goal is to give a lot of people access to Ayurveda.

Ayurveda – the knowledge of a healthy, long and happy life

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Ayurveda School Wolfgang Neutzler
Wolfgang Neutzler
Oberfischbacher Str. 7
88677 Markdorf
0157 51271025

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Wolfgang Neutzler
Oberfischbacher Str. 7
88677 Markdorf
0157 51271025

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