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Bedsores, what they are and all stages of the infection

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Bedsores, what they are and all stages of the infection

Bedsores are a problem particularly linked to bedridden patients and are progressive.

When a subject stays in bed for a long time for a illnessbecause elderly or for other conditions, these skin infections can be created which have various stages.

Without the proper care the disease progresses, also developing in terms of pain so as to be difficult to manage.

Bedsores: the stages of the disease

It is dcompression injuries which may or may not appear with ulcers. The locations are varied but these tend to appear on the hip, coccyx, heels, ankles and elbows. 2.5 million people suffer from this silent disease every year.

What are the stages of bedsores and how does the disease progress (tantasalute.it)

The infection must be contained immediately when sores are found, turning to a specialist for all the treatment of the case. In the first stage the erythema is in an initial state and usually appears near a bony prominence. They are first noticed in subjects with lighter skin, sometimes in fact they are mistaken for something else. To the second stage skin shedding begins, thus making the ulcer appear which may be dry or shiny but still the outer tissue is affected.

Al third stage the total loss of the skin takes place, therefore the situation worsens and even becomes disabling. In this case, even the vision of the subcutaneous fat can be generated. If not treated properly, it worsens up to the tendons, muscles and bones. In this case the infection is very advancedpainful and dangerous. In the last stage there is total loss with wound exposure, severe ulcers, and a situation that needs to be managed surgically.

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This is what commonly occurs though the situation can have unexpected consequences and also damage to surrounding areas that are unpredictable. The lesion can also be small on the surface and instead have already caused deep damage inside, because it all also depends on your skin and the type of exposure.

To treat bedsores location is everything, because these are caused precisely by the friction and traction of the skin or in contact with other tissue or with external products. To facilitate ventilation it is useful to study an adequate position. Treating sores in their early stages resolves the problem quickly and the skin heals again instead letting the disease progress is not helpful because it gets worse until it reaches a stage where it is very difficult to manage.

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