Home » Berlusconi, official diagnosis: “Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia”

Berlusconi, official diagnosis: “Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia”

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Berlusconi, official diagnosis: “Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia”

The official note on the conditions of Silvio Berlusconi confirms that the patron of Monza is suffering from leukemia

The San Raffaele Hospital in Milan has shared an official note on the health conditions of Silvio Berlusconipatron of Monza and former president of the Milan.

THE PRESS RELEASE – President Silvio Berlusconi is currently hospitalized in intensive care for treatment of a lung infection. The infectious event takes place in the context of a chronic haematological condition of which he has been a carrier for some time: chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, of which the persistent chronic phase and the absence of evolutionary characteristics in acute leukemia have been ascertained. The therapeutic strategy in place involves the treatment of the pulmonary infection, a specialized cytoreductive treatment aimed at limiting the negative effects of the pathological hyperleukocytosis and the restoration of the pre-existing clinical conditions.

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