Home » Beware of carbohydrates: You should avoid these foods from the age of 40

Beware of carbohydrates: You should avoid these foods from the age of 40

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Beware of carbohydrates: You should avoid these foods from the age of 40

Losing weight often becomes more difficult with increasing age. There are foods that will actually make you gain weight. Read here which dishes you should not eat after the age of 40.

Everything used to be easier – even losing weight. When you were younger, you could eat whatever you wanted, meet up with friends to do sports from time to time and still lose the pounds in your sleep.

It’s different today: Pizza, chocolate & Co. just have to be looked at and you’ll automatically gain weight.

You shouldn’t make any mistakes in your diet after the age of 40

The fact is that those who eat as they did when they were younger tend to gain weight after the age of 40. This is not only due to a series of changes that the body goes through – menopause, muscle mass decreases, fat gains in return. Certain types of carbohydrates can also make you gain weight.

You should avoid this carbohydrate after the age of 40

In addition to the changes in the body listed above, the metabolism also slows down with age. Carbohydrates found in highly processed foods should therefore be avoided.

Highly processed foods are foods and beverages that have gone through several processing steps and contain many ingredients and additives – for example sweets, muesli bars, baked goods, soft drinks, ready meals or sausages.

Practice giving up

This type of carbohydrate—which is unhealthy at any age but slows down after 40—does not provide any healthy nutrients, minerals, vitamins, or antioxidants.

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The insulin level can therefore skyrocket and the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes or heart disease increases. In addition, fat can be deposited better through the increased consumption of sugar, which in turn means that the inflammation levels in the body can increase.

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Yasmin Flohr

Nutritionist and fitness trainer

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Yasmin Flohr

Nutritionist and fitness trainer

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