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beware of swelling of the limbs – breaking latest news

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beware of swelling of the limbs – breaking latest news
from True Martinella

Over 600 thousand Italians are affected every year, with serious consequences for the heart, brain or lungs: heart attack, stroke and embolism are the diseases caused by thrombus. Which in one out of three cases can be avoided

One number above all already says a lot: the mechanisms underlying thrombosis are the cause of about 25% of all deaths that occur every year in the world, responsible for over 400 thousand deaths per year in our country alone. a very frequent problem, so much so that it is estimated that every year in Europe people die more from thrombosis than from breast and prostate cancers, road accidents and AIDS combined. Over 600 thousand people in Italy are affected by thrombosis every year – remember Lidia Rota Vender, President of ALT – Association for the Fight against Thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases, on the occasion of the World Day for the Fight against Thrombosis 2022 scheduled for Thursday 13 October -. A subtle disease, which very often manifests itself when it is already in its most acute, if not irreversible, phase. The best cure remains prevention, with science and common sense.

What and what causes thrombosisThrombosis is a phenomenon caused by a excess tendency of blood to clot – explains Rota Vender, specialist in Hematology and Cardiovascular diseases from thrombosis -. It can be genetically determined, in those who know they have a personal or family thrombophilic structure, or transient, linked to climatic situations, acute or chronic inflammatory diseases (such as pneumonia, cystitis, irritable bowel, kidney or gallbladder stones) or diseases rheumatic type. Thrombosis it can occur in the arteriescausing stroke, myocardial infarction, limb ischemia which can have devastating consequences such as amputation of the affected limb. Or in the superficial or deep veins, causing phlebitis or thrombophlebitis or deep vein thrombosis which unfortunately very often frees emboli that reach the lung causing pulmonary embolism. In short, thrombosis diseases affect noble organs: heart, brain, lung. They are always caused by the formation of a thrombus, an inappropriate blood clot that forms at a point and time when it should not have formed: in an artery, in a vein, in the heart. And, depending on the organ concerned, one speaks of heart attack myocardium, stroke cerebral, embolism pulmonary, deep or superficial vein thrombosisarterial thrombosis.

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SymptomsWhat are the symptoms to watch out for? The signs and symptoms of deep vein thrombosis are sneaky and exchangeable mostly with simple stagnation of liquids – replies the expert -. When a limb suddenly appears edematous and heavy, it is appropriate do not waste time. The specialist clinical evaluation in these cases is not enough: it is essential to undergo a EcoColorDoppler exam, a fast and non-invasive ultrasound check that immediately allows us to see if the veins in our legs have obstructions. Learning to recognize the warning symptoms of thrombosis without underestimating them means decreasing the probability of an unpleasant event in everyday life.

An Agenda of the HeartAccording to statistics, thrombosis diseases can be avoided in at least one in three people: knowledge and prevention are the key words to prevent them, suspect them without wasting time, and then cure them. With this objective, ALT Onlus was born 35 years ago: red tomato, yellow bicycle, green lawn are the three images chosen by ALT in 1987 and now again protagonists of theALT Onlus Agenda del Cuore 2023, a tool that accompanies, month by month, with information sheets that help take care of the heart, brain, lung, veins and arteries, drawing attention to what can be done to prevent thrombosis, reduce risk factors, recognize warning symptoms if they occur and allow doctors to treat diseases caused by thrombus soon and well (to order the 2023 Agenda and for information www.trombosi.org). Stress, excessive and protracted over time, it ruins our health – concludes Rota Vender -. Starting again to walk, run, dance, cycle, go up and down stairs are easy solutions, accessible to everyone and help to relieve stress. We must and can protect our health with simple gestures and attention, starting from regular physical movement, from a healthy and balanced diet, from smoking cessation.

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October 12, 2022 (change October 12, 2022 | 17:22)

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