Home » Blatant transformation – Rudolf-Axels hard way from 147 kilos to fitness coach

Blatant transformation – Rudolf-Axels hard way from 147 kilos to fitness coach

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Blatant transformation – Rudolf-Axels hard way from 147 kilos to fitness coach

This article first appeared on our partner portal FitForFun. The author is fitness trainer Rudolf-Axel Meinlschmidt.

For Rudolf-Axel Meinlschmidt, the biggest physical activity used to be walking from his office to the parking lot or picking up the phone to talk to a customer. Today, on the other hand, he is a trained fitness trainer and motivates other people to enjoy physical activity.

“Still I Rise” – these three words of the American writer, professor and civil rights activist, Maya Angelou, became a symbol of his long journey, from the beginning of the training to the present day.

In his success story, he tells us in more detail how the transformation came about and how it got there.

The biggest problem: “My diet was full of sugar and fat”

For me, a good start to the day began with sugar, in the form of a large portion of ready-to-eat muesli and cocoa. Between meetings and appointments, I happily drank two or three glasses of cola until the lunch break came.

The most difficult choice here was only the nationality of the kitchen: Should it be an Italian pizza, a Thai curry, a Turkish kebab or American fast food? I often chose the latter.

In the next few hours we continued with coke, chocolate bars and leftovers from lunch at Mama’s and in the evening a whole bag of crisps followed as the crowning glory.

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A new phase of life began at 147 kilos

If you showed people a photo of me five years ago and said that this person will one day make a living from exercise and nutrition, everyone would have shaken their heads and thought it was a bad joke.

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147 – this is the number that ended one section of my life and began a new one.

I saw these three digits one day when I stepped on the scale. Right at that moment I had the thought in my head: I’ll change that and I thought of a picture from the music video of the US rapper ’50 Cent’, in which he does pull-ups with absolute ease.

Losing weight with sport: “Suddenly I felt strange in my body”

I suddenly felt alien in my body and started looking for a gym nearby, which I then drove to for the first time in my life.

Despite initial concerns and respect for the many fit people there, nervousness and fear disappeared after the first exercises.

I can give a tip to beginners who are hesitant about going to the gym: Concentrate on yourself, everyone starts small. Only you are your biggest fan and critic at the same time.

Important factor: “I have radically changed my diet”

I changed my diet very radically back then and minimized my sugar consumption. Instead of sweet drinks, I drank three to four liters of water a day, sometimes diluted with sugar-free soft drinks.

In the morning there was lean quark with bananas. For lunch, chicken breast or turkey was eaten with buttered vegetables or low-fat quark. In the evening there was often a simple salad or low-fat quark again.

Today I don’t plan my meals down to the smallest detail, but pay attention to what my body needs every day. For me, however, there is no one master plan – healthy nutrition must fit the individual lifestyle.

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In my current job as a personal trainer, I write nutrition plans that sometimes allow small sweet snacks and offer a lot of variety. From fruity breakfast creations to hearty ones Dinner everything is there.

You can contact Rudolf-Axel on his Instagram account @myactivebody to record. There you will also find further background information about his success story.

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