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Bones of the over, what to do to keep them healthy

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Bones of the over, what to do to keep them healthy

Even the boneThey, like everything else in the body, age as we age and become more fragile. The consequence is the increased risk of fractures.

Losteoporosisfor example, a disease in which the bones are weakened due to a decrease in their density, is widespread and is among the main causes of fractures in the elderly.

To keep the skeletal system healthy and for to prevent problems connected to it there are precious habits to implement.

Healthy eating

A diet healthy and balanced is an ally of health. Then there are foods that are particularly bone-friendly. These are foods rich in soccer. The latter is the mineral most present in the body and is 99% concentrated in the bones. This element is essential for the correct development of the teeth and of the skeleton.

Therefore, the table cannot be missing latte and its derivatives, cheese, yoghurt, but also fish, molluscs, legumes, fruit, vegetables (particularly those with dark green leaves). There are also foods containing it vitamin Dwhich helps calcium to be absorbed: these include the liver, the pesce blue (like sardines and anchovies), egg yolk and mushrooms.

To avoid instead are the abuse of alcohol, smoking and excessive consumption of sale because the latter favors the elimination of calcium through the urine.

The sun is friend of the bones

Take the sole, spreading a good sunscreen to protect the skin, is very important. Vitamin D is closely connected to skin exposed to sunlight. In fact, the sun triggers a virtuous circle because it increases the production of vitamin D and the latter allows calcium to be absorbed more by our body. As a result, the bones will benefit greatly.

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The physical exercise

The activity physical education regular is essential for general well-being, but in particular it helps to preserve bone mass and muscle mass, which supports the skeleton. Brisk walking, cycling, running are some of the many activity that you can practice to feel good and improve mineralization bone.

Sport also allows you to keep the weight: in fact it is important, for bone health, to avoid both overweight and obesity, or, on the other hand, excessive thinness.

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