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Breast cancer, the importance of lifestyle to reduce its incidence

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Breast cancer, the importance of lifestyle to reduce its incidence

Breast cancer is still scary, despite the fact that medicine has made great strides and has made it easier to heal. Not everyone knows it, but adopting a correct lifestyle could help reduce the chances of contracting it.

Scientific research does not stop and has increased the chances of curing diseases that until recently could almost seem like a death sentence. Among these there is certainly breast cancer, which appears to be the most widespread neoplasm in Italy: according to the latest numbers, this turns out to be 30% of all cancers affecting women, 14% of cancers diagnosed in Italy.

The number of new cases appears to be growing slightly, especially among younger women (until some time ago it was a common belief that the disease could occur especially after menopause), but mortality has decreased. Despite this, it is still the leading cause of death among women. Associating this type of cancer with women is more than natural, but there are cases among men too (one in every 100,000).

Breast cancer: Factors and behaviors matter

It is still difficult to be able to identify with certainty the genetic causes to which breast cancer is linked, but there are gods factors which increase the possibility of arriving at a diagnosis. Among these we can mention:

the familiarity: who comes from a family in which this type of neoplasm has already been diagnosed in other relatives;inheritance: women who find some hereditary and heritable mutations in genes such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 are more predisposed;dense breast: it is advisable to undergo more frequent checks if you have a gland in which there is a strong proportion of glandular and connective tissue, compared to the adipose component;old age: younger women can also fall ill, but the greatest number of cases is diagnosed in those over 50;obesity and sedentary lifestyle;alcohol abuse;hormone therapies after menopause that lasted for more than five years. The most common causes of breast cancer (tantasalute.it)

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A recent study carried out in the United States and published in the journal ‘Breast Cancer’ has highlighted how important it is behavior of a woman to reduce the chances of getting sick. In particular, the diet is crucial, which should include whole grains, vegetables and legumes, suitable for reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome, a disorder that can contribute to the possibility of developing breast cancer. It’s also important to cut down on animal fats, which can raise blood sugar levels. It is equally crucial exercise regularlywhich helps keep weight under control, as well as keeping the mind trained.

Submit to regular checkups (ultrasound and mammography at least once a year) is important, so that diagnose the tumor breastfeeding when it is still in the early stages. However, it is also essential to pay attention to symptoms that may be considered suspicious, so that you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

What are the symptoms of breast cancer (tantasalute.it)

These are the most important ones:

a lump that has never been felt to the touch; dimpling of the upper part of the gland; orange peel skin; irritation and redness of the skin on the breast; pain in the breast or around the nipple; redness and/or peeling of the skin around the nipple or from the nipple itself (better known as Paget’s disease); nipple discharge, other than breast milk (may also be pink-red in colour).

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