Home » Breastfeeding Supplements: Many do not offer what they should

Breastfeeding Supplements: Many do not offer what they should

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Breastfeeding Supplements: Many do not offer what they should

The majority does not provide optimal care

Dietary supplements for breastfeeding women usually contain a large number of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Her promise: Babies should receive all the important substances they need for healthy development through breast milk.

Scientists from the University of Hohenheim have examined 50 preparations for breastfeeding women and published their results in the journal Nahrungsmittels Umschau. With a disappointing balance sheet: most of the funds do not provide optimal care for mother and child.

What extras breastfeeding women really need

For healthy breastfeeding mothers, it is enough to take two additional micronutrients: 100 micrograms of iodine daily and – if they eat fish less than twice a week – 200 milligrams of the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). This is recommended by the “Healthy into Life” network at the Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE).

DHA supports, for example, the healthy development of eyesight. The DHA content of only 16 of the 50 agents tested corresponded to the specifications.

A good supply of iodine for the mother is essential, among other things, for the development of the child’s brain and nervous system. However, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) advises breastfeeding women not to exceed a daily iodine intake of 150 micrograms. Unfortunate: only 5 of the 50 tested preparations contained iodine according to the recommendations.

Only three preparations are recommended

Overall, only three products were convincing, the prices are per daily dose:

Think lactonatal + DHA (Think Pharma; 0.57 Euro) Think prenatal + DHA (Think Pharma; 0.43 Euro) Femmoal Plus (Moab Pharma; 0.78 Euro)

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Their iodine and DHA levels were correct. In addition, the dosages of the additional vitamins or nutrients such as calcium corresponded to the respective maximum amounts recommended by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. In 34 of the 50 products analyzed, the corresponding recommendations were exceeded, sometimes significantly.

Well cared for after breastfeeding: pre-milk and baby food in the test

Not all mothers can or want to breastfeed their baby. They resort to substitute food, so-called pre-milk. Our test of 21 starter foods shows: Many are a good choice, but not all are completely convincing.

After the first four to six months of life, the milk meals are replaced step by step – with home-cooked or bought baby food. We examined 20 baby menus in jars, for example for pollutants and germs, and analyzed their composition. Parents can choose between seven good ones.

Tipp: The experts at Stiftung Warentest give new parents tips on feeding their baby in the first year of life. We also have advice on how babies fall asleep better. We collect tests and recommendations for older children on our baby and child nutrition topic page.

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