Home » “Can Cats Give You Prostate Cancer?”: Beware of scaremongering

“Can Cats Give You Prostate Cancer?”: Beware of scaremongering

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“Can Cats Give You Prostate Cancer?”: Beware of scaremongering

“Can cats cause prostate cancer?”: beware of scaremongering. Our contacts report an article to us which seemingly connects the two.

“Can cats cause prostate cancer?”: beware of scaremongering

But the text refers to an article dated e in reality our ordinary house kitten is an unlikely source of trouble.

“Can cats cause prostate cancer?”: beware of scaremongering

The reference to the article dated March 22, 2017 it is in fact a research of the same date.

Which reminds us how Toxoplasmosis can be connected not only to pregnancy disorders but also to prostate infections which could lead to repeated or chronic inflammation of the prostate which could lead to the onset of tumors.

A bit ‘many “could”, right?

And yet we know from reliable sources, such as the National Institute of Healththat the idea of ​​the domestic kitten as a source of Toxoplasmosis is to be considered completely outdated.

Although, as a precautionary measure, one usually tries to avoid leaving pregnant women the task of changing the cat litter box, it is very unlikely that the carrier is a domestic catfed with canned products and whose litter is changed every day (parasite cysts hatch after three days at room temperature and high humidity). The real reservoir of toxoplasmosis is instead represented by stray cats, which become infected by hunting contaminated birds and mice, and which can defecate in the ground releasing Toxoplasma even for several weeks.

The carriers will therefore be stray cats where not followed by colonies, but above all the consumption of raw meats, unwashed fruit and the handling of soil and fertilizers in the garden without washing your hands.

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The domestic cat cannot therefore be considered source of toxoplasmosis, not even related diseases like cancer.

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