Home » Carnivorous disease caused by streptococcus in Japan, cases also in Italy: the advice of Matteo Bassetti – Virgilio Notizie

Carnivorous disease caused by streptococcus in Japan, cases also in Italy: the advice of Matteo Bassetti – Virgilio Notizie

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Carnivorous disease caused by streptococcus in Japan, cases also in Italy: the advice of Matteo Bassetti – Virgilio Notizie

The recent outbreak of a flesh-eating disease caused by streptococcus bacteria in Japan has spread to Italy, with an alarming increase in cases reported in both countries. Known as the “killer streptococcus,” this dangerous infection can rapidly destroy tissue and lead to serious health complications.

According to a report from Virgilio News, Japan has seen a record number of cases of the flesh-eating disease, with hospitals overwhelmed by the influx of patients suffering from the devastating effects of the infection. The bacteria responsible for the disease, known as Group A streptococcus, can enter the body through small cuts or wounds and quickly spread, causing tissue necrosis and severe pain.

In Italy, the situation is no better, with the emergence of cases of the flesh-eating disease being reported across the country. Matteo Bassetti, an infectious disease expert, has warned that the number of cases is on the rise and that urgent action is needed to prevent further spread of the infection.

Bassetti, speaking to Il Sole 24 ORE, described the streptococcus bacteria as a “meat-eating” organism that can quickly devastate tissue and lead to life-threatening complications. He emphasized the importance of early detection and prompt treatment to prevent the spread of the infection and reduce the risk of serious illness or death.

In light of the increasing number of cases in both Japan and Italy, health officials are urging the public to practice good hygiene, avoid close contact with infected individuals, and seek medical attention promptly if any symptoms of the disease are observed. It is crucial to be vigilant and take precautions to protect against this deadly infection.

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