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causes, symptoms and therapeutic approaches

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causes, symptoms and therapeutic approaches

L’BPH (BPH) represents one of the most frequent pathologies in the male population over 50 years of age.

Featuring a non-malignant enlargement of the prostate, this condition can significantly affect your quality of life due to the urinary tract symptoms for which it is responsible. Although BPH does not increase the risk of prostate cancer, its optimal management is therefore essential to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.

The main causes of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

Benign prostatic hypertrophy, commonly known as enlargement of the prostate, is a phenomenon that occurs naturally with advancing age, but can manifest itself with a series of symptoms that significantly influence the quality of life. While the exact causes of BPH remain under study, experts identify age-related hormonal changes as one of the main risk factors.

In addition to hormonal changes, there are other factors that can contribute to the development of BPH. A family history of prostate problems may increase the likelihood of developing the condition, suggesting a significant genetic component.

Furthermore, some studies have shown that conditions such as diabetes not heart disease may be related to a greater risk of BPH. Lifestyle also plays an important role: obesity is associated with an increased risk, while regular physical activity can help reduce it.

Clinical manifestations of BPH

Symptoms of BPH can range from mild to severe, directly affecting daily activities and overall well-being. Among the most common ones are:

Frequent urination and nocturia: the need to urinate often, especially at night, is one of the most evident symptoms;

Difficulty starting urination and intermittent urinary flow: Many men experience a delay in starting urination and a flow that may stop and start again;

Post-void dripping: This symptom refers to the loss of small amounts of urine after you finish urinating;

Sensation of incomplete emptying: a constant feeling that the bladder has not emptied completely.

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Although these symptoms are typical of BPH, it is essential not to automatically attribute them to this condition, as they can also indicate the presence of other pathologies, such as urinary tract infections, prostatitisor more serious manifestations such as prostate cancer. Consequently, it is imperative to consult a medical specialist for an accurate diagnosis.

By going to a urologist o one andrologist you will be subjected to a series of checks to establish the pathology underlying the symptoms encountered. In particular, we proceed to carry out a urine test, blood analysis and, above all, thedigital rectal exam. Based on this first series of checks, the specialist can evaluate the prescription of other even more in-depth checks, such as the urinary flow test and theuroflussometria. Only in this way will it be possible to establish whether you have an enlarged prostate and move on to defining an appropriate treatment plan.

Prostate surgery: the Rezum method

There are different treatments for prostate enlargement: it is naturally up to the specialist to establish the most suitable procedure, taking into account the specific situation of each patient.

To resolve the condition it is possible to proceed surgically, naturally by contacting one of the centers of excellence present in Italy. Among these, it undoubtedly deserves a mention San Gaetano polyclinicswhere theenlarged prostate surgery runs through the method Summary.

Rezum technology represents a cutting edge in treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), offering a treatment option mini-invasive which has recently also entered Italy. The Rezum uses water vapor to directly attack excess prostatic tissue which hinders normal urination.

This method allows you to reduce the volume of the prostate by approximately 40%, representing an effective alternative to traditional surgical resection of the prostate. The procedure, which only lasts about 15 minutes, can be performed in a day hospital with local anesthesia or one light sedationthus avoiding hospitalization.

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The benefits of this treatment are numerous as it does not require surgical incisions, preserves erectile and ejaculatory functionsas well as fertility. It should also be emphasized that it allows a rapid return to daily activitieswith symptoms generally resolving within two weeks.

This treatment is particularly suitable for patients who want to stop drug therapies due to side effects or who prefer to avoid more invasive surgery. AND recommended for young patientsthanks to its ability to preserve sexual function and fertility.

The treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy, as well as through the intervention with the Rezum method, is divided into two other 2 lines: the pharmacological approach not lifestyle changesboth aimed at improving patients’ symptoms and quality of life.

Pharmacological treatments

Common pharmacological options for managing BPH include alpha blockers and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. The alpha blockers, such as tamsulosin and alfuzosin, work by relaxing the muscles of the bladder and prostate, thus facilitating urinary flow. These drugs are known for their ability to Quickly relieve symptomsbut they may have side effects such as dizziness and a decrease in blood pressure.

The 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, such as finasteride and dutasteride, reduce the size of the prostate by interfering with the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, a hormone that contributes to prostate enlargement. These treatments are especially suitable for men with significantly enlarged prostates and may take several months to make significant improvements. Side effects may include decreased libido and erection problems.

Recently, new drug treatments have emerged that offer additional options to patients, but regular medical monitoring is essential to evaluate effectiveness based on your personal situation and manage any side effects.

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Lifestyle changes

In parallel with drug therapy, lifestyle modifications play a critical role in managing BPH symptoms. Strategies include:

Balanced diet: a diet rich in fruit and vegetables can help maintain an optimal weight and reduce pressure on the bladder;

Increased physical activity: Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy body weight and may improve BPH symptoms;

Reduction of fluid consumption before sleeping: limiting liquids in the evening hours can reduce nocturia;

Limitation of caffeine and alcohol: These stimulants can aggravate urinary symptoms, so it is advisable to moderate their intake.

Additionally, some men find benefit in using natural remedies such as supplements based on Serenoa repens. Although scientific evidence is conflicting, some studies suggest that they may relieve urinary symptoms related to BPH. However, it is essential to consult a doctor before taking it, to ensure that it does not interact with other ongoing treatments.

The management of benign prostatic hypertrophy requires an approach that effectively combines pharmacological treatments and lifestyle modifications. Given the prevalence of this condition among older men, it is essential to adopt one proactive strategy to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life.

Finally, it is important that every individual suffering from BPH maintain constant communication with your urologist. Regular medical check-ups not only allow us to monitor the evolution of the condition but also to adapt the treatment to the specific needs of the patient. Let’s remember that every man is unique, and what works for one may not be ideal for another. The personalization of treatment and a continuous commitment to manage risk factors they are essential to effectively control BPH.

By taking a proactive and informed approach, men can significantly reduce the impact of BPH on their daily livespreserving your health and well-being.

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