Home » Chicken meat, health and the immune system: here are the risks and benefits

Chicken meat, health and the immune system: here are the risks and benefits

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Chicken meat, health and the immune system: here are the risks and benefits

Above all, what makes it advisable is the low fat which makes it preferred in the they say low-calorie, and in fact makes it highly recommended for those who want to lose weight or for those who deal with diseases cardiovascular needing to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. In fact, white meat contains very little, and it is perfect for seniors and children also because it is very tender to chew and easy to digest. So many positive aspects, but also some factors that must be taken into great consideration.

Before listing what the negative effects of chicken or white meat, however, a fundamental advice remains to be kept in mind. All foods, if too present at the table or consumed frequently and excessively, have negative effects on our body. White meat is no exceptionand it must also be taken into consideration for another factor.

White meat, is it bad?

Chicken meat, here are the tips (PixaBay)

We start from an assumption that cannot be ignored. Excessive consumption of chicken can also be harmful, but certainly much less than the risks of consuming frequently. Red meat. In this sense, the positive contribution should not be underestimated if consumed in small doses and not too often, but not even the long-term carcinogenic power for those who abuse it.

The situation is different for white meat. The microorganisms present dictate the correct storage and above all the perfect cooking. In the absence of such precautions, the risk of intoxication feeding. Therefore, the advice of scholars and nutritionists must be taken into consideration. The first is to cook the meat well, perhaps with light cooking in a pan, or even grilled but also in the oven. As for the consumption, the advice is identical for both white and red meat. The best way to avoid problems is in fact to not overdo it and to avoid putting it on the table more than 3 times a week.

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