Home » Cholesterol: discovered a marvelous drug, just two doses and forget about it

Cholesterol: discovered a marvelous drug, just two doses and forget about it

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Cholesterol: discovered a marvelous drug, just two doses and forget about it

A marvelous drug has been discovered in the fight against high cholesterol. Experts explain that with just two doses you don’t think about it anymore. Here’s what it is.

Fruit Basket and Heart Medicines – Source AdobeStock

A new drug is being tested and seems truly miraculous for those who have trouble keeping bad blood cholesterol levels (aka LDL) under control.

With just two doses a year, given as a subcutaneous injection, this incredible medical device may be able to help even those who have so far failed to solve the problem even with statins.

Cholesterol – that’s what the wonder drug is

The latest studies have led to impressive results in the fight against bad cholesterol, to say the least. It is a drug called Inclisiran, which thanks to its action on mRna is able to counteract this type of pathology.

As explained in these hours by the experts, its mechanism of action falls within the class of therapeutic agents that silence the aforementioned mRna and cause the levels of the Pcsk9 protein, responsible for the synthesis of cholesterol, to be reduced.

Visiting Patient - Source AdobeStock
Visiting Patient – Source AdobeStock

In short, the drug promotes the liver’s ability to absorb LDL, thus helping to keep its levels under control within the patient’s body.

Inclisiran, to whom it will be administered

In these hours the Agency for the drug has approved the reimbursement of Inclisiran, thus making a first step for its distribution. But now it is important to understand who will benefit from this type of treatment.

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All patients who have difficulty in keeping LDL levels under control will be able to take advantage of the drug, obviously bearing in mind that its intake must still be associated with statin-based therapy in conjunction with a balanced diet – always recommended by experts in the case of pathologies like these.

In short, it seems that there are no particular contraindications at the moment, although doctors will undoubtedly be able to better understand the potential of this drug and its applications as it is distributed throughout the country.

Statine - Fonte AdobeStock
Statine – Fonte AdobeStock

In any case, this is a surprising discovery, to say the least, since it is in effect a booster vaccine that those at risk can only do twice a year, finally breathing a sigh of relief.

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