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Combat aphids without chemicals: the 5 best remedies!

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Combat aphids without chemicals: the 5 best remedies!

As stubborn as these pests may seem, the benefit is that they are actually not that difficult to get rid of. Even the simplest means work wonders, provided you use them consistently. Because in contrast to chemical control agents from the trade, natural ones work more slowly, but are harmless. What are the best and most popular home remedies? Let’s fight aphids together without chemicals with the help of our top 5!

1. Flushing: The undefeated favorite

Admittedly, this home remedy for lice control is not particularly unknown. But it is a fact that it is one of the most effective natural remedies. In addition, the washing-up liquid is also biodegradable and therefore does not harm the environment or the microorganisms in your garden. How do I fight aphids without chemicals by using dish soap?

The fact that it is so easy to make is what makes it so popular:

  • detergent
  • Water
  • small bucket
  • spray bottle

Fill a small bucket with water. Add a few tablespoons of dish soap and mix. Put the finished pesticide in a spray bottle. Spray the plant with it, paying special attention to the affected areas (usually undersides of leaves, buds and fresh shoot tips). You should do this once or twice a day and over a longer period of time – until the lice are gone.


  • In addition to washing-up liquid, soft soap and normal liquid soap are also suitable.
  • If you use liquid soap, make sure it is pure soap.

2. Nettle manure for pest control and as fertilizer

Fight aphids without chemicals with stinging nettles - prepare a manure or brew

Slightly less well-known or widespread is manure or brew made from nettles. That’s actually a pity, because this agent is at least as effective as the good old washing-up liquid, if not even better, because it also supplies the plants with nutrients in the same way as fertilizer, can prevent diseases because it makes them stronger and also protects the plants re-infestation as it makes the leaves harder and more resistant.

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You can either prepare a slush from cold water, which takes several days, or boil the nettles for a brew for a quicker remedy. If you want to fight aphids without chemicals using these herbs, prepare the manure as described in this article, dilute it, and then spray it on the plants.

Combat aphids without chemicals with decoction

For the stinging nettle decoction, simply boil the stinging nettles in water for a few minutes, allow it to cool and then use it, also diluted, to spray the infested garden or house plants.

Black tea brew is also suitable, which you prepare as usual, except that you increase the brewing time to 15 minutes. Use two tea bags for every half liter of water. You don’t need to dilute the tea, but it should be chilled or at least lukewarm and then used for spritzing to allow the tannins it contains to do their job.

3. Use beneficial insects against the aphid

Fight aphids without chemicals with beneficial insects such as the larva of the ladybird

Pretty much everyone now knows that beneficial insects are a great help in the fight against pests. It is therefore advisable to use plants and other tools to lure insects into the garden as a preventive measure. It is also known that ladybirds, among others, have a weakness for green and black aphids, for example. What is less well known, however, is that they have far less appetite at this final stage of their lives than when they were larvae. So instead of collecting or buying adult ladybugs, you should rather reach for the larvae (see picture) or simply combine both.

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Parasitic wasps are also very useful helpers.

With the yellow variants of these pests, other insects are ineffective. What can you do against yellow aphids, you can find out here.

4. Combat aphids without chemicals: use simple milk

Treat black, yellow or green lice properly with natural remedies

In the milk, it is a substance called lecithin that works against the pests. More specifically, it forms a deadly film over the louse, depriving it of oxygen and suffocating it. You need to mix the aphid milk with water in the right proportion for it to work effectively and fight the aphids naturally. A 1:2 ratio is optimal, although you can also add a drop of oil, which will help the mixture stick to the lice.

Incidentally, milk is also often used for orchids. For what and how, you can find out here.

5. Neem oil or other vegetable oils

Top 5 pesticides for lice on plants - Vegetable oil such as neem oil

Whether on roses, apple trees, strawberries or houseplants, neem oil is also a common pest control due to its pest-fighting ingredients. The only downside: It can also work against one or the other beneficial organism, which you really don’t want. Therefore, it is our last place and should be used with caution if possible. If you notice increased activity of beneficial insects on the affected plants, it is better to use another agent.

A good alternative is rapeseed oil. You can find a recipe here.

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