Home » Constipation, some natural remedies to combat it without “efforts”

Constipation, some natural remedies to combat it without “efforts”

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Constipation, some natural remedies to combat it without “efforts”

Constipation: a very frequent problem. Find out how to counter it with the most effective natural remedies

Intestino pigro – Pixabay – OrizzontEnergia.it


The problem of constipation it is very common, especially in the periods following the holidays. On holidays, in fact, we tend carry out certainly a more sedentary, less hectic life and we spend much more time at the table. Among other things, perhaps let’s take advantage to eat things that we are not used to eating in our daily lives, such as fried food or desserts. This inevitably causes, in our body, a sort of traffic jam. Just like the traffic on a street in a big city. However, this problem does not regard only determined periods of the year.

There are, in fact, many people, who they suffer of constipation all year round. Accomplice the bad nutrition, sluggish bowel, lack of activity physicsthe low intake of watercause, in fact, annoying disturbances that also affect mood and health qualityabout life in general. We are here to give you some good news: constipation can be counteracted with some remedies natural very effective and without too much effort. Let’s find out immediately everything there is to know to about.

Constipation: counter it with the most effective natural remedies

do you suffer from constipation?  fight it like this
Constipation – Toilet paper – Pixabay – OrizzontEnergia.it

As we have already mentioned, constipation is a problem that it strikes millions of people and in particular, it is women who suffer the most. The occurrence of this problem is duein most cases, to a completely lifestyle mistaken. However, there are absolutely natural products that can counter constipation to enable us to live more sereno. Which ones are they? Let’s find out the best ones right away famous and effective. They will be invaluable allies of your days!

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A great stimulating for sufferers of this problem it is caffeine. The coffee in fact he has the extraordinary ability to spread out the intestinal muscles favoring a correct evacuation. Also there molassesturns out to be a product with prodigious effects purifying for our body. Taken diluted and in the evening before going to sleep, it will be a Help concrete against your constipation. Me too’olio olive oil could be a useful alternative. Indeed, it helps lubricate the intestinal walls facilitating the evacuation. One tablespoon each is enough morning.

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Even yoga and it sport in general they help to counteract constipation, also because, we remember that among the cause of this problem, in many cases there is also the stress of a lifetime frenetic and always on the run. The intake of fruit and vegetables, especially cooked, can help as well concrete. In short, the fundamental advice is, also in this case, to try, as far as possible, to carry out a healthy life, in every sense.

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