Home » Covid, Ema approves the updated vaccine for Omicron- breaking latest news

Covid, Ema approves the updated vaccine for Omicron- breaking latest news

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Covid, Ema approves the updated vaccine for Omicron- breaking latest news
from Margherita De Bac

The European Agency Ema has approved the updated vaccines against Covid-19 and on Monday Italy will also authorize them, then a circular will be issued with the categories of people for whom the new dose is recommended

On Monday, Italy will also authorize the updated vaccines against Covid 19. Today the green light has come from the European agency Ema which in these hours will pass the documentation to our Aifa, directed by Nicola Magrini. A circular will follow which will indicate the categories of citizens to whom the new booster dose is recommended.

Two strains

The Amsterdam-based Community body’s Committee for Human Medicines has recommended that two vaccines adapted to provide broader protection against Sars-CoV-2 infection be finally approved. These are Comirnaty Original / Omicron BA.1 and Spikevax Bivalent Original / Omicron BA.1 developed by Pfizer Biontech and Moderna respectively.

More protective

It means that both compounds are bivalent, that is, they contain the original strain of the pandemic virus (that of Wuhan, which appeared in 2019-20) and the variant Omicron BA.1, in circulation since November 2021. They are more effective than the previous ones in preventing the disease. severe, but only partially protect against contagion and the risk of transmitting the infection.

Omicron BA.5

An even more effective tool will arrive in the coming months, studied against the original strain and the currently most widespread Omicron sub-variant, BA. 5 prevalent over 90% also in Italy. Pfizer Biontech and Moderna are always working on it, and in recent weeks they have started a legal dispute for patents on anti Covid.

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Over 12 years

Ema has authorized both new vaccines for use on individuals over 12 years of age and who have received at least the first vaccination course (two or three doses). Following this, Aifa and the Ministry of Health will define the methods of administering the adapted booster dose (booster) in a circular. It is very likely that priority will be given to the over 60s and the frail with chronic diseases (but it could also be 50). What if we have already received 4 doses of the old vaccine? Wait 120 days before making another one.

September 1, 2022 (change September 1, 2022 | 15:54)

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