Home » Damiano David and Giorgia Soleri, from that first photo together with the unexpected breakup: the phases of their love story

Damiano David and Giorgia Soleri, from that first photo together with the unexpected breakup: the phases of their love story

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The Maneskin frontman and influencer have thrilled fans with their romance. Here’s everything you need to know about the now ex-couple

“We loved each other so much”. It could be titled after the famous film the story between damiano david of the Maneskins and Giorgia Soleri. A small summary for those who missed “the gossip news of the moment”. It’s over between the singer and the influencer. Damiano himself announced it on 8 June on Instagram, after it circulated on social networks a video of him kissing a girl in a nightclub. Immediately, therefore, it was thought of a betrayal and instead then everything was clarified: Damiano and Giorgia were no longer engaged. Not only. After the initial silence, even Soleri herself – out just recently with a new collection – intervened revealing something unexpected. But let’s take a step back and retrace their history, or at least what is known about it.

The early years – In 2017 i Maneskin participate in X-Factor and, while not winning, they acquire incredible popularity. The same one that increases dramatically when in 2021 they win first the San Remo Festival and then theEurovision Song Contest. And it is precisely in that year that, inevitably, curiosity about their private and sentimental life grows. For example, who is the lead singer of the group engaged to? To reveal it, after weeks of gossip, is himself with an Instagram story. May 2021, Damiano publishes a shot with a girl sitting on her legs and the caption is as follows: “After 4 years you can say, right?“. She is Giorgia Soleri, then 25 years old, followed at that time by just over 127,000 followers (today they are 828,000). But something was already intuited. Gathering the clues wasn’t terribly difficult. At that time, Damiano was followed by 1 million followers (today 5 times as many) and in turn followed only 60 people, including Giorgia. The most attentive had also noticed a shot of him in which a black and white striped blanket could be glimpsed, the same one that could be seen in a shot published by the girl. In short, what was rumored it was all true. The two, in fact, were already engaged since 2017, although they had known each other before and for a period it seems that they even lived together. Since coming out, their media exposure has been pretty massive. In addition to the various shots together, there were also Damiano’s tears on the Ariston stage. It was February 2022 when the band leader, after singing Coralineshe burst out crying. Then a message on Twitter, also dedicated to his girlfriend: “Thanks to all of you who have understood the meaning and weight of this song in my life. Thanks to my teammates who take it on stage with me. Thanks to Fabrizio Ferraguzzo who produced it and today is our sidekick, best friend and manager. Thanks to Amadeus who gave me the opportunity to bring it to the most important stage in Italy. And thanks to you Giorgia who made me write and live it. To all of you, and to the music, simply thank you“.

The battles together, the rumors of the crisis and the breakup – Damiano and Giorgia, Giorgia and Damiano. By now the couple has entered everyone’s heart, between funny or provocative shots and more serious and profound battles. Like the one that Soleri has been pursuing for years and that Damiano David supports with conviction. Year 2022, it is deposited in the Chamber and in the Senate the bill for the recognition of Vulvodynia and Pudendal Neuropathy. Soleri and David were also present. On that occasion, the singer simply said: “I’m here as an ally, what I can do is help with my visibility, but the women of the Committee are doing the great job”.
Then everything continues as it began. With lots of messages sent by him to her while she is busy with Beijing Express. In short, no one can ever think of a possible separation of the two. Nobody except Dagospy. Roberto D’Agostino’s well-known website reports an alleged crisis between the two first in January 2022 and then again in March 2023. Earlier there was talk of misunderstandings about “some of her not much appreciated releases”. Then, instead, of an alleged flirtation of Damiano with a musician. There were no confirmations in this regard but, in the light of Giorgia’s latest statements (“The relationship with Damiano was not monogamous”), may now be obvious. In any case, there really was a break. That story, which seemed destined to never end, has instead reached the end credits. And the fans are desperate. “It pisses me off and I’ll never learn not even at 100 to feel bad about it. You see a photo with an inscription full of hope you dream that love will triumph that beautiful couples exist that there is respect and esteem that kisses will go on and there will still be a lot of photos and adventures and that we will all have to experience them and we will be we too are a little happy in a world of millions of difficulties. And then…”, “That’s what the people we thought were forever are not, I’m so sorry because in the diversity I saw you united and in love”, “The speed with which you go from saccharine sentences to breaking up, impresses me”. These are just some of the comments below the post published by Giorgia Soleri on May 12th. There the two kissed and the caption was the most romantic: “Everyday more”. Instead, it is now counted in subtraction.

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