Home » Dementia: Blood test to detect Alzheimer’s years before onset

Dementia: Blood test to detect Alzheimer’s years before onset

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Dementia: Blood test to detect Alzheimer’s years before onset

According to the German Alzheimer Society, around 1.8 million Germans (as of 2022) suffer from dementia. Younger people are also affected. The neurodegenerative disease cannot be cured, but the risk of developing it can be reduced.

A healthy diet, plenty of exercise, social contacts and a mindful lifestyle can reduce the risk of developing dementia. In order to be able to extend one’s own “health span” – the healthy phase of life – and to delay any impending dementia as long as possible, early detection of the disease is particularly important.

According to the Alzheimer Society, around 440,000 new cases occur in Germany every year. By the time the diagnosis is made, however, in most cases the breakdown of the brain cells has already begun and can no longer be stopped. Dementia is irreversible and there is no medication for it.

The aim of science is therefore to be able to determine the increased risk of the onset of dementia as far in advance as possible. For this reason, researchers are working intensively on the early warning signs, which often provide important clues years in advance.

A blood test should detect dementia up to 20 years before it starts

In dementia diagnostics, among other things, imaging methods or removal of the spinal fluid can be used. However, the former are very complex and expensive, the latter can be uncomfortable and painful for those affected. Blood tests, on the other hand, are minimally invasive and therefore simple and practical.

Researchers developed such a blood test as part of a study published in 2020. With this procedure, physicians are able to detect impending dementia up to 20 years before it is still asymptomatic.

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The blood test is not yet available to the general public, and the study results are not sufficiently reliable. Whether it represents a revolution in diagnostics or even contributes to the development of an antidote remains to be seen in the coming years. But scientists are confident.

How the blood test works

Proteins and their deposits in the brain play a decisive role in the development of dementia, especially the proteins & beta-amyloid and the tau protein (here: p-tau217). To put it simply, these are folded incorrectly and can therefore no longer be broken down by the body. They are deposited as so-called “plaques” in the brain and lead to the death of the cells.

With the newly developed test procedure, physicians are able to detect the biomarker p-tau217. Since the “misfolding” can begin many years before the first symptoms appear, this enables early detection of a high risk of dementia.

Why the test is so useful

Now one could claim that the knowledge of the possibly imminent illness can affect those affected psychologically and may bring more harm than good. Not at all, because as mentioned at the beginning, there is not much you can do once the disease has broken out.

However, when it comes to dementia prevention, there are simple things you can do to take care of yourself and grow old in good health. (Please note that this general information cannot replace a visit to the doctor. Self-medication and self-diagnosis are strongly discouraged.)

Enjoy lots of vegetables, coffee in moderation, black and green tea. The contained polyphenols (plant substances) promote cerebral circulation. Pay attention to your fluid balance and, above all, drink water and unsweetened beverages regularly throughout the day. Avoid nicotine and only drink a little alcohol. Be sure to move around a lot. It doesn’t always have to be competitive sports. A brisk walk in the fresh air gives you momentum and has many other positive effects on your longevity. Maintain social contacts with younger, same-age and older people. This keeps your mind flexible. Stay curious. Healthy nutrition is an absolute must, not only in dementia prevention. This way you avoid being overweight and its negative consequences. But don’t deny yourself the pleasure, it too is part of a long, healthy life.

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