Home » Diabetes, among the causes also the absence of physical activity: all the symptoms

Diabetes, among the causes also the absence of physical activity: all the symptoms

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Diabetes, among the causes also the absence of physical activity: all the symptoms

Diabetes is a chronic pathology that can occur at any age, there are causes that should not be underestimated.

When blood glucose levels rise and when insulin function is permanently impaired, it is called diabetes. This pathology, however, does not arise only in elderly people, as is commonly thought, but also in young or even tender age.

Having ascertained that when one is suffering from diabetes one must be particularly careful and always be under control, it is also good to understand what are the causes and even the symptoms to keep in mind. Despite what one might think, it would seem that even a lack of physical activity can trigger such a situation.

Diabetes: causes and symptoms

There are two types of diabetes. That of type 1, which affects 10% of cases and refers to those people who are affected from a young age due to a deficiency of the pancreas that does not produce insulin. Completely different from type 2, because it manifests itself early, it requires treatment with an injection of insulin every day to support the body’s work. The cause of this condition is unknown and is a problem with the immune system.

Diabetes, risk factors (tantasalute.it)

Il type 2 diabetes that’s what it’s about 90% of cases, therefore progressive in onset. The disease arises in adulthood and is determined by a lowering of insulin levels even though the pancreas is able to continue producing it. The disease manifests itself from the age of 30 and depends on a series of risk factors, lifestyles and nutrition. There is a 40% chance in terms of familiarity, therefore, on average, people who have parents with diabetes or siblings could develop the disease, but there are contributing causes that facilitate its development.

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In particular incorrect power supply and the overweight are among the major cases to keep under control. Even the sedentary issue e the lack of physical activity today they have acquired a fundamental value. In fact, both speeches represent an aspect to which maximum attention must be paid and to be kept under control to prevent its appearance, especially in subjects who know they are exposed to a certain degree of familiarity. At the first symptoms it is important to contact your doctor for clear therapeutic indications.

At this point, however, the question arises spontaneously: what are the symptoms we need to pay attention to?

In the case of type 1 diabetes, it is essential to pay attention to a sporadic feverish state, predisposition to infections, dry skin, continuous feeling of tiredness and sudden weight loss; With type 2 diabetes, however, there are no real symptoms and proper because it does not allow it to be recognized quickly.

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