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Diabetes, help comes from intermittent fasting: expert advice

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Diabetes, help comes from intermittent fasting: expert advice

The diet that can save those suffering from diabetes: why intermittent fasting is good for you, and how this diet is structured.

Apparently a recent scientific discovery could lead many patients to complete recovery and all thanks to a specific food plan based on a precise schematization of the times in which meals are consumed, alternating with periods of fasting.

Diabetes, help comes from intermittent fasting – Ossinotizie.it

According to a recent study, following the intermittent fasting diet favors the disappearance of type 2 diabetes. In fact, according to an article that recently appeared in the weekly Nuovo, a scientific study was conducted that would demonstrate this correlation. Let’s find out what happened.

Diabetes, because sufferers may be better off with the intermittent fasting diet

Surely you will know well the intermittent fasting diet, because for several years now it has been widely practiced, especially by stars who need to always keep fit. The reason is that it plans to eat, not only according to a precise breakdown of macronutrients and therefore according to the guidelines given by a nutritionist but above all respect a 16-hour fasting schedule and eat all your meals in the remaining 8 hours.

diabetes intermittent fasting
Let’s read better the information of this recent study – Ossinotizie.it

The moment you fasting our body is not subject to glycemic peaks and regenerates all its cells. The intermittent fasting diet can also be effectively conducted by fasting for two full days a week, and eating for the other 5, clearly alternately, and always under the guidance of a nutrition expert, or a dietitian or a biologist. This food plan helps you lose weight but also has another huge advantage.

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You may know that type 2 diabetes promotes cancer formation and is one of the riskiest diseases. Fortunately, however, it seems that those suffering from diabetes can benefit a lot from the intermittent fasting diet. Let’s find out why.

The incredible results of recent research

The reason is that according to a very recent research, which involved 36 patients who followed the intermittent fasting diet for three consecutive months, it emerged that the vast majority of the sample, i.e. the 90% of them managed to reduce their type 2 diabetes medications.

Not only that: even more than half are healed! According to the result of the study, conducted by theChangsha University, China, following the intermittent fasting diet favors the disappearance of type 2 diabetes. As stated in an article that recently appeared in the weekly Newscholars were able to demonstrate this correlation.

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