Home » Diet concepts – what helps and is successful in the long term

Diet concepts – what helps and is successful in the long term

by admin

Thursday, December 28, 2023, 11:27 a.m

After the holidays and at the beginning of the new year, diets and weight loss tips are booming. Stiftung Warentest scientifically evaluated 15 nutrition and diet concepts and gave five the top rating of “Suitable”. Eight diet concepts failed completely – including the blood group diet, eat half (FDH), the Paleo diet and mono or crash diets such as the cabbage soup or pineapple diet.

The top rating of “Suitable” was given to diet concepts and nutritional methods that can be proven by studies that they can be used to lose pounds and maintain the weight achieved over the long term. In addition, they must not have any negative long-term health consequences and must be easy to implement and maintain in everyday life.

Five nutritional concepts have been proven to be suitable. This includes, among other things, the mixed diet from the German Nutrition Society. She relies on vegetables, fruit and whole grains, and animal products are also included in moderation. Your advantage: It is easy to implement. A mixed vegetarian diet also works for weight loss. However, it is important to keep an eye on nutrients such as iron and vitamin B12, which are particularly abundant in meat.

The foundation’s experts explain the basic ideas behind the 15 nutritional concepts examined, show how they can be implemented and classify the respective methods.

In addition to diet, many physical and cognitive factors influence body weight. That’s why there can’t be a one-size-fits-all recipe for maintaining your desired weight. The foundation’s nutrition experts give tips on how stress and grief eaters can stop themselves and how old, unhealthy habits can be replaced with new, healthier habits. They also explain what role exercise plays in maintaining weight and what influence genes and the intestinal microbiome have.

See also  is a creative choice by Bethesda, for Phil Spencer

The diet concepts test can be found in the January issue of the magazine test and at www.test.de/diaetkonzepte.


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