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Dietary Supplements: A General Guide

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Dietary Supplements: A General Guide

The food supplements they are products that are intended to to integrate the normal diet. But what exactly are they and what are they for? In this article we will find out what ingredients are present in supplements, their functions and if it is necessary to take them.

Food supplements: what are they for?

Food supplements are products food intended for to integrate the common diet. According to current legislation, they constitute a concentrated source of nutrients, such as vitamins eh mineralsor of other substances having a nutritional or physiological effect.

Many people believe that modern nutrition does not provide all the necessary nutrients and is therefore necessary integrate it with supplements. However, it is important to understand that proper and balanced nutrition can generally provide all the nutrients the body needs.

Here are some situations in which it may be necessary to supplement the diet with supplements:

  • Nutrient deficiencies: Some pathological disorders or alterations in absorption can cause deficiencies of specific nutrients. In such cases, supplements can be helpful in filling these gaps.
  • Eating disorders or hospital stay: During periods of illness or after surgery, nutritional intake may decrease. Supplements can provide the nutrients needed to promote a speedy recovery.
  • Specific dietary choices: Some dietary choices, such as vegetarianism or veganism, may require the supplementation of specific missing nutrients. In these cases, supplements can be used to ensure adequate intake.

However, it is important to point out that taking dietary supplements for general health improvement and disease prevention is not supported by sufficient scientific evidence. In fact, since they are not medicines, they are not intended to prevent or treat diseases in humans.

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What they contain

Dietary supplements can contain a variety of components, including vitamins, minerals, fatty acids essential ed herbal extracts. It is important to note that the concentration of these ingredients must meet strict regulations and be carefully controlled. Supplements may also contain excipients, which are substances added to make them easier to store and consume.

In conclusion, food supplements can be useful in some specific situations, such as nutritional deficiencies or disorders involving reduced food intake. However, for most people who follow a balanced and varied diet, supplements are unnecessary and can even be harmful if taken in excessive doses. Before taking any dietary supplement, it is always advisable to consult a health professional, such as a nutritionist o one medicoto evaluate if it is appropriate for your individual needs.


Image credits:

  • Featured image: https://www.fondoasim.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Integratori-alimentari-cover.jpg
  • Figure 1: https://img.ilgcdn.com/sites/default/files/styles/xl/public/foto/2022/12/01/1669900378-integratori-alimentari.jpg?_=1669900378

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