Home » Discover the Colorful and Healthy Chromodiet: A Unique Approach to Nourishment and Weight Loss

Discover the Colorful and Healthy Chromodiet: A Unique Approach to Nourishment and Weight Loss

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Discover the Colorful and Healthy Chromodiet: A Unique Approach to Nourishment and Weight Loss

Tired of the usual diets? Let’s discover together an imaginative, colorful and healthy diet that nourishes and helps you lose weight.

There are numerous types of diets and everyone adopts the one that best suits their body, their personal preferences, their lifestyle and each has different approaches to nutrition. We all already know the Mediterranean, vegetarian, vegan, detox diet, but perhaps not everyone knows that there is also a diet that is based on the colors of foods and for this reason it is called the chromodiet.

The chromodiet or color diet is a diet that groups foods based on color, distinguishing their beneficial properties for the body. In fact, recent studies confirm the presence of protective factors in fruit and vegetables in relation to their color also against some pathologies, such as tumors, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

Fruit and vegetables contain nutrients essential for the health of the body and this is why these foods are the protagonists of the chromo diet. This type of diet therefore involves a varied consumption of these foods grouped into five categories based on color and involves the consumption of a daily portion of each color: red, yellow-orange, white, green and blue-purple.

The color diet provides a daily calorie intake between 1150 and 1250 calories and each day has its own color. The consumption of fruit and vegetables is advisable raw – with the exception of tomatoes – because many vegetables, if cooked, can lose some important vitamins, especially vitamin C.

The chromo diet is considered one very balanced diet suitable for everyone who, accompanied by physical exercise and from the integration of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, it can help you lose weight with positive effects on the body. Fruit and vegetables actually contain substances antioxidants and flavonoids and contribute to the strengthening of immune defenses, they help metabolism and blood circulation with possible reductions in cholesterol levels. But let’s see together the properties of the different colors.

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Red group foods are rich in vitamin C and carotenoids, anthocyanins and lycopene, powerful antioxidants. Furthermore, recent studies support that lycopene prevents the onset of prostate cancer and cardiovascular disorders. Foods in the yellow-orange group include foods rich in vitamins A, B and C, flavonoids, carotenoids and beta-carotene which help metabolic functions and are ideal for promoting elastic and young skin, strengthening the immune system and protecting eyesight. White group foods rich in anthoxanthins, polyphenols and sulfur compounds, quercetin and flavonoids which contribute to the reduction of “bad” LDL cholesterol levels, preventing the formation of plaques in the blood vessels. The allisulfides present in some white vegetables, such as garlic and onion, help blood circulation and blood pressure. Green group foods are rich in chlorophyll, antioxidant and anti-anemic, fight free radicals, contain mineral salts useful for the production of folic acid, vitamin C and carotenoids for cellular regeneration and the health of teeth, bones and blood vessels. The foods of the blue-violet group are rich in anthocyanins, anti-aging and purifying, diuretics and aids in blood circulation but also carotenoids and resveratol, an antioxidant that protects the body from the risk of cardiovascular diseases and urinary tract infections.

Chromodiet can be a lot also useful for stimulating children to consume fruit and vegetables daily, stimulating them with a bit of imagination, for example by composing unusual and colorful shapes with food and contributing to the well-being of their organism.

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