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Do they make you fat? here is the answer that no one expected

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Do they make you fat?  here is the answer that no one expected

Many think that cherries, being sweet, can make you fat, the answer will surprise you.

Do cherries make you fat?

They are red, juicy and always very good, but above all sweets. Many for this reason think that they make you fat. The cherry comes from Asia, then rapidly spread in Greece and throughout the Mediterranean area at the time of the Roman Empire, a period in which it was a much appreciated and also delicious fruit. Both the nobles and the poor loved it, it was easy to find and it was not expensive… like now. Even today it is loved by young and old. When the best time comes to buy them, they are never lacking on our tables.

But do cherries make you fat as many people think? Cherries are low caloriein fact, they bring about 60 kcal per 100 grams. They are also very rich d

  • Vitamin C
  • Polyphenols (rich in antioxidants).
  • Mineral salts: in particular magnesium and potassium;

Therefore they also contain about 86% of water, therefore they help against dehydration and thanks to the mineral salts contained, they are excellent for recovering physical strength after sport.

Benefits of cherries

They have tons of health benefits, do you want to discover them?

  • Magnesium and potassium they help muscle functions and the nervous system
  • They also help keep blood pressure at bay
  • Thanks to their content of anthocyanins moreover, they favor the correct functioning of the microcirculation and are a blessing for the capillaries.
  • Some studies show that cherries are capable of reduce inflammation linked to obesity on the contrary they regulate the metabolism, they certainly do not make you fat.
  • They have a good fiber content (about 2 g per 100 g), which helps us to contain hunger and avoid constipation.
  • They help digest; are a cure-all forgastrointestinal system.
  • They also help lower blood sugar and bad cholesterol
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How many cherries to eat per day?

Of course, even if it has just been said that cherries are not fattening, one should not overeat. . The ideal would be to consume them as a refreshing snack, in the middle of the morning or in the afternoon, but even eating them for breakfast will not be a bad choice, for example together with a white yogurt and whole grains. Cherries also lend themselves well to being used as a snack in the evening before going to bed!

Cherries for sleeping

Some studies reveal that among the foods to eat before bed are the cherries. They contain tryptophan, an amino acid that helps the development of seratonin which promotes the sleep-wake cycle and helps sleep. So they also help if you eat before bed, at least half an hour.

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