Home » Do you suffer from anxiety? You risk serious damage to health, here’s what

Do you suffer from anxiety? You risk serious damage to health, here’s what

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Do you suffer from anxiety?  You risk serious damage to health, here’s what

Anxiety is one of the most widespread problems in the western world. Are you suffering from it too? Then be careful, you risk serious damage to your health.

Most people experience anxiety at one time or another in their lives, but if these feelings are extreme, affect your daily life, and aren’t infrequent, they could be a symptom of a real disorder that needs to be addressed early. While the exact cause of anxiety disorders is unknown, certain risk factors, such as genetic predisposition, brain structure, and stressful life experiences, are thought to play a role.

Anxiety: here’s what you risk in the long run – oxynews

You should know that there are also various substances that can facilitate the onset of an anxiety disorder. Among them we find caffeine and drugs. Stopping certain medications could also cause some problems. But what are the most serious risks that those who regularly suffer from anxiety run? Let’s look at them more closely.

Anxiety disorder: the associated risks

Prolonged anxiety and panic attacks can cause stress hormones to be released on a regular basis. This can lead to the development of headache, dizziness and depression. When you feel anxious and stressed, your brain floods your nervous system with hormones and chemicals that normally serve to allow you to respond quickly to a threat. Among them we find adrenaline and cortisol.

anxiety what risks
Chronic anxiety disorders can lead to the development of various pathologies – oxynews

Cortisol in large amounts can contribute to weight gain. Anxiety disorders can also cause rapid heartbeat, palpitations and chest pain. You may also be at increased risk for high blood pressure and heart disease. Anxiety also affects your excretory and digestive systems. Therefore, stomach ache, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite and other digestive problems could occur very frequently. Furthermore, a connection between anxiety disorders and the development of irritable bowel syndrome cannot be excluded.

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Anxiety can also release a surge of chemicals and hormones, such as the adrenalinein your body. Under normal conditions, adrenaline increases the pulse and respiratory rate, so that the brain can receive more oxygen. This prepares you to respond appropriately to an intense situation.

In the presence of chronic stress, your body never gets the signal to return to normal functioning. Your immune system can then weaken, leaving you exposed to viral infections and disease. There may also be respiratory problems. Since anxiety causes rapid and shallow breathing, if you have asthma you may see a marked worsening of your symptoms.

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