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Does magnesium work against muscle cramps that occur during physical activity?

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Does magnesium work against muscle cramps that occur during physical activity?

Amateur runner frustrated with leg cramps seeks solutions

As an amateur runner, dealing with annoying leg cramps during physical activity and even at night can be a frustrating experience. Many turn to magnesium supplements as a potential solution, but often find little relief. So what can be done to alleviate these troublesome cramps?

According to Gianfranco Beltrami, a sports doctor and physiatrist, muscle cramps can be caused by various factors such as fatigue, dehydration, mineral deficiencies, trauma, or underlying health conditions like diabetes. While magnesium is important for nervous signal stabilization and electrolyte balance, studies have shown limited effects of supplementation without a confirmed deficiency through a blood test.

To prevent cramps, it is recommended to stretch gently before and after exercise, stay well-hydrated with mineral-rich fluids, avoid stimulants like caffeine and nicotine, and maintain a well-balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Stretching the calf muscles and applying ice to the affected area can also provide relief during a cramp.

For those experiencing frequent leg cramps, seeking advice from a medical professional and adjusting exercise routines and dietary habits may help alleviate these muscle twinges. Remember to listen to your body and make necessary changes to prevent and manage leg cramps effectively.

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